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CÔTE-D’OR: The winners of the 2022 Youth and Engagement Trophies

This Monday, March 14, the award ceremony was carried out by Catherine Louis, vice-president of the departmental council. “With you, we want to build a more united, more open Côte-d’Or,” said François Sauvadet in a video message.

The Assizes of Volunteering organized by the Côte-d’Or departmental council have become the Youth and Commitment Trophies. The award ceremony for this first renewed edition took place this Monday, March 14, 2022 at the headquarters of the community in Dijon.

The ceremony, hosted by Laure Mattioli, was chaired by Catherine Louis (LCOP), vice-president of the Department in charge of youth and community life, in the presence of Guillaume Ruet (LR), departmental adviser.

The recognition of the Department

The Côte-d’Or has 18,000 associations and 108,000 volunteers, or 20% of the department’s population. These Trophies reward five associations for their actions, particularly during the health crisis, and five young people for their civic engagement.

“The Department is innovating”, launches Catherine Louis at the opening of this trophy ceremony, “we wanted to assure young people who are engaged in voluntary missions of our recognition”. “Each file deserved to receive a prize, it was difficult to select”, adds the vice-president, thanking “all the associations”.

Arthur Bernardin and Damien Debeaupuits are the sponsors of this 2022 edition. The first was designated “prodigy of the Republic” in 2021 for his action within the French Red Cross by organizing maraudes in Dijon. The second was crowned French champion in para-cycling for several years, came 5th at the London 2012 Paralympic Games and won a silver medal at the world championships in 2014; albino, he is hypersensitive to light.

“Your commitment is a chance for the Côte-d’Or”

“The Côte-d’Or departmental council wishes to congratulate the members of the associations for the work accomplished on a daily basis”, indicates Catherine Louis, emphasizing in particular “the people who have worked for the benefit of the population over the past two years”.

The elected official recalls that solidarity is one of the primary skills of the community, representing more than half of its overall budget of 600 million euros. “The Department has played its full role during this crisis”, points out the vice-president who returns to the vote in June 2021 of a support plan of 35 million euros, including 4 million euros for associations. “The county council will be by your side,” she says, referring to the annual budget dedicated to associations of 4.5 million euros.

In a video message, François Sauvadet (LCOP), president of the departmental council of the Côte-d’Or, renews the thanks to the volunteers: “these trophies come to reward the tremendous work that you all do on the territory of the Côte-d’ Gold”.

“Your commitment is a chance for the Côte-d’Or, is a chance for France. (…) You illustrate solidarity in Côte-d’Or and through volunteering, it is the art of acting together that you are promoting, because to live together, you have to work together. (…) You are at the heart of people’s lives, with you, we want to build a more united, more open Côte-d’Or”, develops the president of the community before the award ceremony.

Jean-Christophe Tardivon

The winners presented by the Côte-d’Or departmental council

Support trophy for children and young people: Association Trouve mon galet – €1,000

The association was rewarded for its action “Painted pebbles for those who suffer from the crisis”. The association has produced paintings on pebbles in order to present the logos of traders in the Dijon region. The idea was then to make these pebbles travel during treasure hunts. Several pebble hunts have been organised: during the “Nuit du Handicap”, to support the Association “les ateliers du Cœur” allowing children with cancer to go on vacation, with the children of the Institut Médico-Educatif Sainte Anne, or to support a Dijon publisher specializing in the publication of children’s books.
The number of views on social networks of the association’s actions has been considerable!

Senior public support trophy: Association Binôme 21 – €1,000
The association was rewarded for its project “A young person, a tablet”. Each young volunteer in civic service within the association has been equipped with a digital tablet during conviviality visits carried out with people aged over 75, with the aim of introducing them to the use of digital tools. .

Support trophy for the most vulnerable / vulnerable public: Madicadabra Association – €1,000
The association was rewarded for its “Capture life” action. In partnership with a network of photographers, she offered photo shoots for individuals or families of children with cancer in order to maintain social ties and create memories.

Covid 19 Trophy – support for the public impacted by the health crisis: Association Music’a ​​- €1,000
The association was rewarded for its ability to adapt to the benefit of its members, during the 2021 confinement, with the “Choral challenge at home”. In order to continue its activity and keep the link during the confinement, the association organized challenges every 15 days with 80 adult and child singers.

Favorite Trophy: AIJAP Association (Intermunicipal Youth Association for Project Support) – €2,000
The association was rewarded for its “Color run October Pink” project, a race against cancer with jets of colored powder. This event was a great success in rural areas. In addition, this association encourages and supports young people in their projects, offers sporting and cultural and solidarity events integrating young people and finally makes young people aware of associative actions and citizenship.

Price 15-18 years old: Antony de VECCHI – €300
Anthony de Vecchi has been involved in the association for a long time, since he has been a member of the “Pédale Semuroise” since he was 6 years old, first as a cyclist and now as a referee. He is very involved in the life of his club as a leader and organizer of races at local and national level (French Cadet Cup). He has led departmental championships and is the organizer of the 1st Côte-d’Or Classic Juniors which will take place very soon!

Price 19-25 years old: Océane RAVEL – €300
Océane is a young person engaged in many voluntary actions, in particular:
– a “scout” action to help high school students find a suitable university course,
– an action against student precariousness at Rotaract Dijon as a communication officer with the establishment of partnerships with retail companies,
– participation in the organization of a vacuum-dressing for the Lebanese Rotaract,
– communication referent for the French Blood Establishment to raise young people’s awareness of blood donation
– an action with the WWF to preserve Antarctic walruses.

Collective action prize: Grégory BIGARNE and Thomas DA CRUZ – €500
These two young people are involved in an action aimed at cleaning up the waterways in the Côte-d’Or. This action of “magnet fishing” was carried out at Lake Kir, in the pond of Grosbois and in the Canal (the mayors having given their authorization). Their aim is to make the general public aware of the protection of the planet and the risks that litter represents for biodiversity.

Favorite prize: Maël MADENIA – €600
From the age of 12, in 2013, Maël got involved in the fight against school bullying. Elected to the European Youth Parliament, he continued his voluntary commitment within the socio-cultural center of the Acodège. Since 2020, he has been president of the “Athlés solidaires” association, which aims to help people with rare diseases (often of genetic origin). He joined the Secours Populaire Français during the health crisis. He is also a sponsor of the Association “From the Côte-d’Or to the Grandes Ecoles” to advise high school students in their careers. He was also an ambassador for Sciences Po Paris within the Dijon Campus.

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