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Côte-d’Or: Nina Beauty, a new institute that also caters to children in Perrigny-lès-Dijon

Since March 2023, Perrigny-lès-Dijon has had a new business. Nina Beauty has just opened its doors at 43, Grande rue. Nina Fates Messai, its creator and manager, wants to bring relaxation and beauty to all audiences, including children on whom she has already seen the beneficial effects of her treatments. Interview.


Nina Fates Messai, creator and manager of the new “Nina Beauty” institute in Perrigny-lès-Dijon
© Radio France

Christophe Tourne

France Bleu Bourgogne: You were previously in accounting and IT. Is it a real change of course that you have been preparing for a long time?

Nina Fates Messai : Yes, in fact, even when I practiced in accounting, in IT and even in precious metals in Avignon, I had been preparing some training in aesthetics for two or three years. I got my diploma in aesthetic care. Before, I had followed training for the maintenance of nails, eyelashes etc. My diploma in fact brings together and validates all these specialties.

And you traveled a lot to prepare all this?

It was mainly to see the novelties in aesthetics and enrich my experience. For example, I went to Malaysia two or three years ago to see how well-being massages are done there, to get some ideas here and there, to put everything together, and offer something complete and different.

What made you want to get into aesthetics?

It’s something that I had in me for a long time. It’s been a real passion since I was little and if you can live from your passion, it’s just happiness.

What clientele are you targeting?

Everyone ! I even offer treatments for children. Contrary to popular belief, when you see a child’s skin, it’s beautiful skin but really fragile skin. That’s why I offer specific treatments for children.

Why are you settling in Perrigny-lès-Dijon?

Because it’s a village that I’ve always liked. And then I’m going to settle down there. I am in the process of building there. It allows me to manage better between my children and the work that will be near my home. As a result, there is less stress than in the big city.

There are already two beauty practices in Perrigny. Is it a competition that scares you or not at all?

No not at all. In fact, these are not the same concepts as me. Already, I only take my clients by appointment and I take my time with them. This is what will perhaps differentiate me from others. And I try to aim a little bit at everyone because I have treatments for men and women of all ages, up to 80/90 years old and for children.

In terms of men, what do you offer?

I offer deep skin cleansing with devices like the hydrafacial. I propose a new technology called the plasma pen which allows you to work on all lines and wrinkles. I also offer everything related to hair removal and even baldness with micropigmentation. Depending on the services, the rates vary from 10 to 1000 euros. Through all these services that I offer, I try to address everyone.

Nina Fates Messai, creator and manager of Nina Beauty in Perrygny-les-Dijon

Nina Beauty

Massages to de-stress children and teenagers

Nina Fates Messai therefore wants to break the age barrier in terms of beauty and well-being. And she was able to test the benefits of well-being massages on the youngest. “I have children who are teenagers and sometimes there is some stress, some anxieties When I give them massages, I see a small change in their behavior and I say to myself that frankly if it can be soothing, why not add to my services, massages for children. There are also treatments with a range of organic products that are really dedicated to the skin of children and teenagers. When they have imperfections in the diaper skin, it can help, it can dry out pimples and acne. These are alcohol-free treatments that are really studied for the fragile skin of children.” explains the new beautician from Perrigny-lès-Dijon.

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