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CÔTE-D’OR: Key information from the Departmental Council of December 13

The session’s agenda included the review of the original 2022 budget.

Press release from the Côte-d’Or Departmental Council:

A united and offensive 2022 budget

More than 310 M € for social solidarity to protect the Côte-d’Oriens

and more than € 110 million of investment to support activity and employment

The Departmental Assembly met on Monday 13 and Tuesday 14 December to debate and vote on 54 reports, including that of the 2022 budget of the Department of Côte-d’Or which amounts to € 609.8 million and is resolutely united and offensive.

SOLIDARITY to face the pandemic and its consequences. For the first time, the social support budget exceeds € 310 million, to ensure solidarity missions as close as possible to residents.

OFFENSIVE to support activity through investment. The Department forecasts a historic level of investment of more than € 110 million in 2022 to prepare for the future on 100% of the Côte-d’Or.

In terms of investment, President Sauvadet set 4 priorities for a real Marshall Plan in favor of local development in 2022:
– 1st priority, the completion of the deployment of very high speed fiber throughout Côte-d’Or (€ 36 million in 2022).
– 2nd priority, safety on departmental roads and their maintenance (€ 32.7 million in 2022), but also the safety of people and property with the support of the Departmental Fire and Rescue Service (€ 19 million in 2022) ).
– 3rd priority, aid to municipalities and inter-municipal authorities to support regional projects because each municipality and each inhabitant counts (€ 20 million in 2022).
– 4th priority, young people to give them all the keys to educational success and their development within society (€ 33 million in 2022), for colleges, culture and sport.

Second big challenge: solidarity. In this uncertain health context, and in the face of this 5th wave, President Sauvadet decided to extend most of the exceptional support measures adopted within the framework of the Solidarités Côte-d’Or support plan, by devoting € 1 million additional, for people in difficulty, self-employed workers, students and young people, food aid.

The first budget for social action is disability. Home care for our seniors, inclusive support for people with disabilities, the sustainable integration of people excluded from employment in jobs in short supply are the flagship policies that the Department will carry in 2022 under solidarity. social.


€ 609.8 million
– € 312.4 million for human solidarity.
– 110 M € for territorial solidarity.
– € 188.1 million for public services.

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Disability: the Department at the heart of innovation with inclusive housing!

The Department takes innovative measures in terms of Autonomy policy, with the main axes of home support and inclusion. During this session, the Department recorded the implementation of the Shared Living Assistance service for the elderly and disabled people residing in housing recognized as inclusive housing.

An agreement was also signed with the National Solidarity Fund for Autonomy (CNSA) which will grant the Department substantial financial support to support our community in the rapid deployment of inclusive housing throughout the territory.

Social assistance for children: a respite structure for the most vulnerable!

The Maisons d’Enfants à Caractère Social (MECS) are facing difficulties in caring for a growing number of children and young people with mental disorders and / or complex behaviors. These young people, who have paths made up of many ruptures and failures, require specific support at the crossroads of the fields of health, medico-social and child protection. It is to respond to this challenge that the Department signed a 2021-2022 child prevention and protection contract a few weeks ago with Adrien Taquet, Secretary of State in charge of child protection.

This contract oversees the experimentation of an “experimental structure for the reception and accommodation of complex situations” – coupled with an extension of the Mobil’ados mobile team of the Center Hospitalier La Chartreuse. The Côte-d’Or, a pioneer in this innovative project, will pay great attention to this new device.

This respite structure will accommodate young people aged 11 to 18 with very significant behavioral disorders or even psychiatric disorders that drop them from school, can make them violent (against them and against other young people and professionals) and in any case. do not allow them to take up the educational support offered to them. This involves welcoming the young person, on discharge from hospital, for a period of three months (exceptionally renewable) and offering him a soothing environment before he joins the structure to which he is entrusted. The Department awarded a grant of € 217,000 to the PEP CBFC Association which is leading the project.

The Department, SDIS’s main funder

The Department has set its annual contribution to the Departmental Fire and Rescue Service (SDIS) at nearly € 19 million for 2022, an allocation up nearly 5% compared to 2021. The Department is taking its responsibilities to maintain the presence of firefighters throughout the territory so that they can intervene as quickly as possible.

MuséoParc Alésia: an exceptional site in constant development

The Department has successfully carried out several projects such as the 3D modeling of the elevations of the remains of the ancient city, the forging of solid links with the world of research as well as the modernization of the immersive and fun scenography, the new version of which is available to the public since July 3, 2021. The feedback from the 45,000 visitors who have discovered it is extremely positive.

For 2022, the Department will devote € 1.9 million to continue developing this exceptional site and to celebrate the 10th anniversary of the MuséoParc Alésia.

Make the Côte-d’Or the leading nature and gastronomy destination!

The Department has decided to transform the tourism development agency “Côte-d’Or Tourism” into an attractiveness agency, so as to link actions in terms of tourism development to those concerning the living environment and services to residents. .

In 2022, the Department is allocating € 1.4 million for the benefit of Côte-d’Orian tourism to make our Department the leading nature and gastronomy destination between Lyon, Paris and Strasbourg.

Community life, culture and sport: everywhere and for everyone!

The Department will devote € 5.2 million to finance all actions relating to sport, youth, community life, culture and public reading.

Sport is both a factor in the influence of our territory, recognized as a 2024 Games Ground, and a vector of inclusion, especially for the most vulnerable audiences. The Department will take proactive action to adapt its cultural policy to social changes and bring culture to all areas of the territory for all audiences. For a culture that lives outside the walls! The Department will also continue to support the vitality of associations throughout the territory and promote volunteering.

Extension of the “Solidarités Côte-d’Or” Support Plan

Particular attention is paid to audiences weakened by the crisis. This is why the Department has decided to extend the exceptional individual aid schemes as well as aid to charitable associations, and to provide, for this purpose, a global envelope of nearly € 1 million.

Among other things, the system which allows beneficiaries of the Active Solidarity Income (RSA) to accumulate the RSA and the salaries resulting from a resumption of employment in order to encourage them to enroll in a professional integration path is extended by 2022.

The Boost’Emploi Côte-d’Or assistance remains in force in order to encourage RSA beneficiaries and job seekers to resume a path towards employment.

The partnership with Solidarité Femmes 21 will be maintained in 2022 with the renewal of a subsidy of € 25,000 and the renewal of the funding for training days (€ 5,000) for the attention of social workers in the Department.

The Department is also renewing its financial support to food aid associations to the tune of € 200,000. As a reminder, the latter benefited from a total amount of exceptional aid of € 360,000 in 2020 and € 380,000 in 2021. In order to limit the consequences of shortages of meat products, dairy products, fruits and vegetables as well as hygiene and maintenance products, adaptations are necessary for the functioning of Food Aid Associations. On their economic balance, the associations are currently working on group purchasing projects and on the necessary logistical organization that results from them.

As a reminder, since March 2020 and the start of the health crisis, the Department of Côte-d’Or has already committed € 35 million to support all Côte-d’Oriens, including € 4.2 million in the protection: masks, products, disinfection of buildings, CO2 sensors in college canteens … It has received State aid of € 1.5 million.

In 2022, the Department will continue to protect all Côte-d’Oriens.

François Sauvadet announces “a Marshall plan for local development” in Côte-d’Or

François Sauvadet defends “an offensive and united budget”

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