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CÔTE-D’OR: A citizen watch to ask for “the reconversion of CEA Valduc”

The Bourgogne Franche-Comté collective for the abolition of nuclear weapons held a citizen watch on December 15 in Dijon and Moloy.

Communiqué of the Abolition of nuclear weapons Bourgogne Franche-Comté collective of December 15, 2021:

Jean Lurçat: “The great threat is the bomb! “

December 15, 2021 in Dijon, place Darcy, then in Moloy, near the site of the Commissariat à l’énergie atomique et aux energies alternatives (CEA) of Valduc which ensures the maintenance and modernization of 290 French nuclear weapons, 8 launchers of alert of the ‘Collectif Bourgogne Franche-Comté for the abolition of nuclear weapons’ unfurled banners. They call :

– respect by France for art. 6 of the Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT), to which it acceded in 1992 and of which it blithely violates the spirit and the letter,

France’s accession to the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (TIAN of 2017), which since January 22, 2021 has become the standard of international law,
– and the conversion to peaceful activities, useful to Humanity, of the CEA-DAM sites, including that of Valduc.

Jean Lurçat: “The immense, filthy pustule of the Bomb”

Jean Lurçat (1892-1966) is a painter, ceramist and designer of French tapestry.

It is associated with the fights of the Resistance. Appointed to the Departmental Committee for the Liberation of Lot, he directs the weekly Liberté in Cahors and the review Les Étoiles du Quercy.

From 1957, he had Aubusson weave the 10 pieces of his Chant du Monde, which are now exhibited in Angers. The first 4 hangings of the series represent the danger incurred by men because of the atomic bomb:

The Great Threat, The Hiroshima Man, The Great Charnier and The End of Everything ”.

“The great threat is the Bomb!” »He explains to comment on his work. “Madness has already manifested itself twice… Hiroshima, Nagasaki… The Hiroshima man has been burned, robbed, emptied by the bomb… But with him, all our reasons for living have been ransacked. This is why, around my character, like a rain of ruins, fall the flowers, the books, the Cross, the Sickle and the Hammer…

The Bomb spares no ideology, no system. It destroys all the thoughts of man, all the common cultural heritage … Once again, the libraries of Alexandria are blazing and are destroyed … But this time, it is a general stagnation. “

“This Song of the World will be plausible, possible (…) only when the great Threat of this immense, filthy pustule of the Bomb, will be, by mutual agreement, torn from the flesh of men. I bring my stone. “

How can citizens support TIAN?

– Write to your Mayor, so that your municipality signs the ICAN Cities Appeal for nuclear disarmament, to your Deputy and Senator so that France ratifies the TIAN.
– Take part in citizen lookouts in Dijon or Valduc, in Paris and elsewhere.
– Ask your bank about its financing of the atomic bomb by participating in the action campaign on this theme.
– Take an interest in nuclear weapons, international security issues and democratic defense alternatives.

The vigilances and non-violent actions carried out by the ‘Collectif Bourgogne Franche Comté for the abolition of nuclear weapons’ are part of the framework of ICAN, Nobel Peace Prize 2017:
The ‘International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons’, which resulted in the ban on nuclear weapons in 2017, following previous major UN victories:
Prohibition of biological weapons (1972)
Prohibition of chemical weapons (1993)
Ban on anti-personnel mines (1997)
Ban on cluster munitions (2008).

The Bourgogne Franche-Comté collective for the abolition of nuclear weapons
http://abolitiondesarmesnucleaires.org[email protected] – 06 14 24 86 96

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