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Cosmic Trio: A Spectacular Sight on the 2023 June Solstice

The solstice on June 21, 2023, brings with it a stunning celestial display in the sky. As the first day of summer in the Northern Hemisphere and the first day of winter in the Southern Hemisphere, this solstice marks a significant astronomical event.

At 14:58 UTC (9:58 a.m. CDT), the solstice officially arrives, and as the day progresses, sky gazers in the Northern Hemisphere will be treated to a beautiful sight. As the sky darkens, the first celestial object to appear will be the crescent moon, followed by the bright light of Venus. Finally, as the sky becomes even darker, the reddish planet Mars will make its appearance, completing this cosmic trio.

In addition to these three celestial bodies, there are also some bright stars that can be spotted nearby. Looking towards the northwestern horizon, observers can see Pollux and Castor in the constellation Gemini the Twins before they set. On the opposite side, higher and to the southeast, the bright star Regulus in the constellation Leo the Lion can be seen.

To help sky watchers locate these celestial objects, a star chart for the June solstice has been provided by John Jardine Goss/EarthSky. The chart shows the waxing crescent moon glowing next to brilliant Venus, with the much dimmer Mars nearby. Above them is the bright star Regulus in Leo the Lion, and below them are the twin stars, Castor and Pollux, in the constellation Gemini. Clear skies are essential for enjoying this solstice sky, and viewers are encouraged to submit their photos of this celestial event to EarthSky Community Photos.

On the June solstice, looking west will allow observers to spot the crescent moon near brilliant Venus and the dimmer, reddish Mars. This cosmic trio is a true treat in our solstice sky.

For those interested in more night sky events, EarthSky’s YouTube page offers a collection of videos showcasing various astronomical phenomena.

Kelly Kizer Whitt, a science writer specializing in astronomy, has provided valuable insights into this solstice sky. With over two decades of experience in the field, Whitt has contributed to publications such as Astronomy Magazine, AstronomyToday, and the Sierra Club. She has also authored a children’s picture book titled “Solar System Forecast” and a young adult dystopian novel called “A Different Sky.” When she is not immersed in the world of astronomy, Whitt enjoys traveling to national parks, creating crossword puzzles, and engaging in outdoor activities like running, tennis, and paddleboarding. She currently resides in Wisconsin.

As the solstice approaches, make sure to take a moment to appreciate the beauty of the sky and the celestial wonders it holds.
detail photograph

the brightest star in the sky

N sky, one may be able to see stars such as Sirius, the brightest star in our night sky, and Capella, a prominent star in the constellation Auriga. To get the best view, it is recommended to find a location away from city lights and with a clear view of the western horizon.

The conjunction of the moon, Venus, Mars, and stars creates a mesmerizing celestial gathering. This is a great opportunity for sky watchers and astronomy enthusiasts to witness the beauty of the night sky. It is important to remember that the visibility may vary depending on weather conditions and the observer’s location.

Overall, the solstice on June 21, 2023, not only marks the beginning of summer or winter but also presents a celestial spectacle worth experiencing. The combination of the crescent moon, Venus, Mars, and nearby stars offers a captivating display that reminds us of the vastness and wonder of our universe. So, grab your binoculars or telescopes and enjoy this stunning cosmic show.

1 thought on “Cosmic Trio: A Spectacular Sight on the 2023 June Solstice”

  1. “An awe-inspiring celestial event awaits skywatchers on the 2023 June Solstice. The convergence of the sun, moon, and Jupiter promises a dazzling display of cosmic beauty. Prepare to be mesmerized!”


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