Home » today » Business » “Corruption in Mali has become a scourge that undermines all ambitious projects for the development of workers” – MALI 24 INFO

“Corruption in Mali has become a scourge that undermines all ambitious projects for the development of workers” – MALI 24 INFO

The Bamako-Anger Partnership House hosted, on Thursday, December 23, 2021, the opening ceremony of the training workshop for members of the platform of trade union organizations for the fight against corruption. The theme of this two-day workshop is “Techniques to prevent and educate workers about corruption”. The opening ceremony of this workshop was chaired by the president of the Platform of trade union organizations for the fight against corruption, Issa Synayoko, in the presence of the trainer, Fousseini Diabaté and other personalities.

In his opening speech, the president of the Anti-Corruption Trade Union Platform, Issa Synayoko, said that corruption in Mali has become a scourge that undermines all ambitious workers’ development projects. “We are patriotic and enlightened trade unionists, we deplore the inequalities in the treatment of bonuses and indemnities which result in pollution of the social climate by hellish demands for equity. The refoundation of Mali necessarily requires the endowment to the hardworking workers of a salary of dignity to get them out of the current treatment of poverty. Only the sacred union of trade unions and civil society could be a panacea for eradicating this scourge which is far from inevitable, but which unfortunately mortgages our precious ambitions to ensure a salary of dignity for our activists. The fight against corruption is undoubtedly an aspiration of the living forces of the Malian nation which remains the major demand», Underlined Issa Synayoko. According to him, the office of the Platform of Trade Union Organizations for the Fight Against Corruption will very soon be installed in all regions of Mali in accordance with its charter. According to him, the Platform of Trade Union Organizations for the Fight against Corruption supports the authorities of the Transition in their noble and exhilarating mission, namely the fight against corruption and impunity. In addition, he will say that the Platform of trade union organizations for the fight against corruption is open to everyone.

Aguibou Sogodogo

Source: Lerepublicainmali

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