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Corruption Eradication Commission Firli Bahuri Brings Confidential Documents to Pre-Trial Hearing – Raises Ethical Concerns


Inactive chairman of the Corruption Eradication Commission Firli Bahuri brought documentary evidence regarding the alleged bribery case of former DJKA officials at the pre-trial hearing. This immediately raises a question mark.

It is known that case documents are highly confidential. Firli was deemed to have violated three rules for his steps.

The Indonesian Anti-Corruption Society (MAKI) said Firli was suspected of violating the Public Information Openness Law, obstructing investigations into Article 21 of the Corruption Eradication Commission Law, and the code of ethics. MAKI Coordinator Boyamin said the case was brought so that Firli would show that he was criminalized.

“Mr Firli tried to bring the documents to show that the Regional Police Chief had a conflict of interest in naming Firli a suspect. The hope is that the judge will believe that this case is just a criminalization, there is no evidence,” he said.

Even so, Boyamin emphasized that Firli should not bring documents on cases handled by the KPK, even though Firli is still the inactive chairman of the KPK. Because, this case has nothing to do with the pretrial he is undergoing.

“This is a confidential item, especially since a suspect in a corruption case is carrying around documents, that’s wrong, it’s not allowed because it’s confidential,” he stressed.

Will be reported to Dewas

(MAKI) will report the inactive KPK Chairman Firli Bahuri to the KPK Supervisory Board (Dewas) for alleged violations of the code of ethics. The report was submitted after Firli brought confidential case investigation documents to his pretrial hearing.

MAKI Coordinator Boyamin Saiman said the plan would be to report when he was summoned as a witness at the KPK Supervisory Board (Dewas) session on Friday (22/12). For information, Boyamin often reports alleged violations of the KPK leadership’s code of ethics to the Dewas so that he has the status of a reported party whose statement is required at the trial.

“Regarding the code of ethics, I plan to be summoned as a witness at the Dewas trial on Friday, and I will also report to the Dewas the alleged leak of information carrying this document,” said Boyamin Saiman when contacted, Saturday (16/12).

Boyamin believes that Firli’s action of carrying secret documents at his trial cannot be tolerated. Investigation documents should not be misused, especially by suspects in corruption cases.

“In my opinion, Mr. Firli is going too far, only defending himself and having to reveal things that are confidential. So, in my version, Mr. Firli is more concerned with himself than the KPK and eradicating corruption in the broadest sense,” he stressed.

“Because, if left unchecked, later everyone, whether they retire or are no longer in the Corruption Eradication Commission, will take all the files with them, use them and misuse them even more. If the elements are naughty, it could be extortion and will destroy our corruption governance,” he continued.

Read more on the next page..


2023-12-16 23:05:17

#Criticism #directed #Firli #brought #KPK #documents #pretrial

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