Home » today » Health » Corrigendum n ° 1 – Call for tenders: Collection, management and treatment of waste for the GHT Alpes Dauphiné (8 establishments) as well as 6 other establishments in the Grenoble basin, GRENOBLE

Corrigendum n ° 1 – Call for tenders: Collection, management and treatment of waste for the GHT Alpes Dauphiné (8 establishments) as well as 6 other establishments in the Grenoble basin, GRENOBLE

Publishing Department (s): 38

Announcement No 21-94798


Section I: Contracting authority / contracting entity

CTRE HOSPITALIER UNVT GRENOBLE, Cs 10217, 38043, Grenoble Cedex 09, F, Telephone: (+33) 4 76 76 68 59, Email: [email protected] , Fax : (+33) 4 76 76 68 50, Code NUTS : FRK24
Internet address (es):
Main address: http://www.chu-grenoble.fr/
Address of the buyer profile: https://www.marches-publics.gouv.fr

Section II: Purpose

II.1.1) Title: Collection, management and treatment of waste
Reference number: 2021T119
II.1.2) Code CPV principal :
Main descriptor: 90511000
Additional descriptor:
II.1.3) Type of contract
II.1.4) Short description: Collection, management and treatment of waste for the GHT Alpes Dauphiné (8 establishments) as well as 6 other establishments in the Grenoble basin.

Section VI: Additional information

July 8, 2021
Notice number in the OJ series S: 2021 / S 129-342966 of 07/07/2021

Section VII : Modifications

VII.1) Information to be corrected or

VII.1.1) Reason for the change
Modification of the original information provided by the contracting authority
VII.1.2) Text to be corrected in the original notice
Section number: II.2.6)
Lot n° : 1
Place where the text to be corrected can be found: II.2.6)
Instead of: Value excluding VAT: euros
Read: Value excluding VAT: 1,200,000euro (s)
Section number: II.2.6)
Lot n° : 2
Place where the text to be corrected is located: 2.2.6
Instead of: Value excluding VAT: euros
Read: Value excluding VAT: 4,000,000 euros
Section number: II.2.6)
Lot n° : 3
Place where the text to be corrected can be found: II.2.6)
Instead of: Value excluding VAT: euros
Read: Value excluding VAT: 280,000 euros
Section number: II.2.6)
Lot n° : 4
Place where the text to be corrected can be found: II.2.6)
Instead of: Value excluding VAT: euros
Read: Value excluding VAT: 2,400,000 euros
Section number: II.2.6)
Lot n° : 5
Place where the text to be corrected can be found: II.2.6)
Instead of: Value excluding VAT: euros
Read: Value excluding VAT: 600,000 euros

Other additional information:
Vi.4.3) Lodging an appeal: Details concerning the time limits for lodging an appeal: Pre-contractual referral provided for in articles L. 551-1 to l.551-12 of the Administrative Justice Code (Cja) and may be exercised until signature of the contract – Contractual referral provided for in articles L. 551-13 to L. 551-23 of the CJA and which can be exercised within the time limits provided for in article R.551-7 of the CJA – Appeal for excess of power against a decision administrative procedure provided for in articles R.421-1 to R.421-7 ducja and can be exercised within 2 months of the notification or publication of the decision of the body. The appeal can no longer, however, be exercised after the signature of the contract – Full jurisdiction appeal to challenge the validity of the contract, which can be exercised within 2 months of the appropriate publicity measures.Vi.4.4) Service from which information can be obtained on the introduction of appeal: Administrative court, 2 place de verdun – bP 1135, F – 38022 Grenoble Cedex, Tel: +33 476429000, email:[email protected], Fax: +33 476422269, internet address: http: //Grenoble.tribunal-administratif.fr In addition to Vi. 3) A single visit date is scheduled for July 20 and 21, 2021 These dates are likely to change depending on the availability of the coordinator of the group (Olivier di rago)

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