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Coronavirus, Zangrillo: “Covid no longer exists, someone terrifies the country”. Richeldi: “No, the virus is circulating”

MILANCovid-19 “from the clinical point of view no longer exists”. The San Raffaele head of Milan Alberto Zangrillo, director of intensive care, is convinced of this. During transmission Half an hour more on Raitre, speaking of the observations on the situation of the Lombardy Region, he said: “I really laugh. Today is the 31st of May and about a month ago we heard epidemiologists say they feared a new wave for the end of the month / early June and who knows how many intensive care units there would have been. In reality, the virus practically no longer exists from a clinical point of view “.

“This – he added – says the San Raffaele Life-Health University, says a study done by the virologist and director of the Institute of Virology, Professor Clementi, says it, together with Emory University of Atlanta, Professor Silvestri. I swabs performed in the last 10 days have a viral load from the quantitative point of view absolutely infinitesimal compared to those performed on patients a month, two months ago. I say this aware of the drama that the patients who did not make it, but we cannot continue to bring attention, even in a ridiculous way, giving the floor not to clinicians, not to real virologists, but to those who call themselves professors: the virus from the clinical point of view no longer exists “. Lucia Annunziata, the host of the transmission, replied: “It is a very strong phrase what you say, professor”. And the clinician in return: “I sign it”.


The head of San Raffaele continued: “For three months everyone has been showing us a series of numbers that have zero evidence, which have zero value: we went from Borrelli, from Brusaferro to the president of the Superior Health Council. All this has led to block Italy while we worked and now we, who have seen the drama, ask to be able to leave quickly because we want to cure the people that otherwise we cannot cure. We don’t give a damn about the championship or where they go on holiday Italians, but we have to go back to a normal country because there is all the evidence that this country can go back to having a normal life today “.

According to the professor, “there is only one number that is worth” and “is the evidence: we in this country we heard a professor from Boston a month ago, who is an epidemiologist-statistician named Vespignani, to influence the choices of the government saying 151 thousand intensive care places had to be built. Tomorrow an editorial signed by me and Professor Gattinoni will be published in which we say officially why this is not good, because it is a frenzy, because terrorizing the country is something that someone must assume the responsibilities, because our first aid and our intensive care units are empty and because Mers and Sars, the two previous epidemics, have disappeared forever and therefore it is desirable that this also happens for the third coronavirus epidemic. , prepare us, but do not kill us alone “.

The pulmonologist Luca Richeldi, member of the Scientific Technical Committee, replies to Zangrillo’s words: “The virus is still circulating and it is wrong to give misleading messages that do not invite caution. It is undoubtedly true and reassuring that the pressure on hospitals has drastically reduced in recent weeks, however, it should not be forgotten – he notes – that this is the result of the equally drastic measures to contain the viral circulation adopted in our country “.

“Moreover – affirms Richeldi – it is good to remember that viral circulation is a dynamic process, for which the gradualness and caution in the resumption of economic and social activities must remain our priority. Especially in light of the reopening of June 3rd”. “Besides, it is enough to see how unfortunately the situation is very different in countries, such as Russia, Mexico or India, in which – he concludes – these measures have not been so effective and have not given the comforting results we see in our country”.

The director of the Spallanzani National Institute for Infectious Diseases of Rome, Giuseppe Ippolito, is in the same vein: at the moment “there is no published scientific evidence or study showing that the new SarsCov2 coronavirus has changed. Fortunately in Italy – he notes – we have now fewer serious cases and this shows that the containment measures adopted have paid off “.

Franco Locatelli, president of the Superior Health Council, is said to be disconcerted. “I can only express great surprise and utter bewilderment at the statements made by Professor Zangrillo with phrases such as ‘the virus no longer exists clinically’ and that ‘Terrorizing the country is something for which someone must take responsibility’. Just look at the number of new cases of SARS-CoV-2 positivity that are confirmed every day to demonstrate the persistent circulation in Italy of the new coronavirus “.

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