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Coronavirus, Zaia: ready to close if cases go up, target 30,000 swabs per day

Paladin of the reopening and the end of the lockdown, the president of the Veneto Region Luca Zaia today chooses a more prudent line. Gradual return to normal is fine but without forgetting the precautions (for example, the mask in public) and ready for a 180 degree turn if the epidemic starts to accelerate again. Zaia has clarified his opinion in the usual and daily press point in the Civil Protection headquarters.

Ready to close

«There are two data, a number of inpatients and intensive care, beyond which we cannot afford to be free. We are trying to identify them and then with great transparency we will say that above those numbers we close again “explained Zaia. «The two data that we monitor are intensive care and hospitalizations. If we were to see that they rise again to a worrying level, we will put in place measures ». But “we still don’t have a number at the moment, if not the one given by experience”, adds the regional councilor for health Manuela Lanzarin.

Life-saving mask

«The mask is a lifesaver, for you and for others. We should even remove the obligation to bring it, because no one leaves the house naked, without clothes. In the same way, no one will leave the house without a mask, “continued the Venetian governor. «It is clear that we are absolutely not convinced that the virus is gone. The danger of reinfection is real, and also that of new outbreaks ».

Hospitals not only Covid

Today Veneto has announced a series of further innovations, for example on the functioning of hospitals, which will no longer be reserved only for Covid-19 patients. Swabs mandatory for those who are hospitalized or have to plan surgery, visits only to one person at a time, maintenance of pre-triage in the emergency room. These are the main lines of the new health plan for non-Covid hospitals in Veneto, which will come into force on May 4.

Veneto locomotive

Veneto is the region that most of all pushed for a rapid take-off of phase 2. A week ago it had already emerged that 50% of the companies had already left the lockdown behind thanks to the mechanism of reopening requested from the prefectures. After Prime Minister Conte’s decree on reopening starting from 4 May, Zaia had added an ordinance which authorized residents in Veneto to reach second homes always on the regional territory and which granted a sort of “free exit” in the evening in the town of residence. Always respecting the rules of social distancing.

Swabs record

On the other hand, the epidemiological situation in the Veneto region remains encouraging. Total cases reached 17,825, with a growth of just 117 in 24 hours. The swabs performed are 337,000, 9,000 in one day. In relation to the inhabitants, Veneto is the region that most of all, from the beginning, has relied on carpet tests to monitor the infection. The president’s goal, announced today, is to reach 30,000 tampons per day by summer.

April 29, 2020 (change April 29, 2020 | 3:19 pm)


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