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Coronavirus worldwide, the US purchases all Remdesivir – Foreign stocks

Washington, July 1, 2020 – Ema (European Medicines Agency), just 5 days ago, gave the green light to Remdesivir, the first anti-Covid medicine. And today comes the news that the United States they bought practically all stocks for the next three months, leaving nothing for Britain, Europe and most of the rest of the world. The Guardian denounces it, stressing that the US unilateral action on the drug alarm experts also for future prospects, for example in the event that a vaccine.

The Trump administration has already shown that it is ready to outperform all other countries in terms of offers and maneuvers to ensure the medical supplies it needs for the United States.
The drug, produced by the company Gilead Sciences, is the first also approved by the United States authorities to be used for therapies against Covid-19: it has been shown to help people recover more quickly from the disease. One cycle of remdesivir treatment requires, on average, 6.25 ampoules.
A statement from the Department of Health and Human Services stated that Trump signed an “extraordinary” agreement with Gilead for 500 thousand doses, equal to 100 percent of Gilead’s production in July, 90 percent in August and 90 percent in September.


The United States recorded 41,556 new Coronavirus cases and 337 further deaths, according to the Johns Hopkins University count. The new data bring the overall balance of infections to 2,636,538 and that of the dead to 127,425. So far 720,631 people have been healed in the country. Doctor Anthony Fauci keeps the alarm high. Current numbers – more than 40,000 new cases a day – put “the whole nation at risk”. When asked how many infections the United States should expect, he replied that he would not be “surprised if we exceeded 100,000 a day”.

America Latina

The coronavirus pandemic continues to spread in Latin America where infections have reached 2,576,463 in the last 24 hours (+46.357), while the dead are now 116,199 (+2,510). Without big news the Brazil it continues to lead the ranking in the region with a fairly steady, though now stabilized, rate of the infected (1,402,041, +33,846) and the dead, which are 59,594 (+1,280). Follow on Peru (285.213 and 9.677) and the Chile (279.393 e 5.688).

The Mexico it recorded another 5,432 coronavirus cases and a further 648 deaths. The new data bring the balance of infections to 226,089 and that of the dead to 27,769. Although the country is seventh in the number of cases in the world, the authorities have decided to gradually reopen the capital for this week. Among other activities, gyms, restaurants, hotels and shopping centers will reopen.


The African continent has exceeded 10,000 deaths and 400,000 proven cases of Covid-19. 65% of the infections are in four countries: South Africa (151,209), Egypt (68,311), Nigeria (25,133) and Ghana (17,741). At the same time, Egypt and South Africa are the countries with the highest number of deaths: 2,953 the first and 2,657 the second.


At least 111 people who attended a wedding in the Indian state of Bihar tested positive for coronavirus. In the aftermath of the wedding, which took place on June 15, the groom died. It is unclear, however, whether he had been infected with the virus, since the man was not tested on Covid-19. More than 350 people attended the wedding. The groom himself drove for nearly 1,100 kilometers to present himself on time at the event, according to local media. The Indian authorities, quoted by the BBC, reported that they had tracked down and isolated all those present last week, initiating an investigation into the excessive number of participants in the wedding.


In Bulgaria, the extension is in effect today until July 15 of the ’emergency situation’ for Covid-19 following an increase in infections. Heavy restrictive measures will not be imposed or restored, but the control of existing ones will be considerably intensified. All people who visit public places indoors are required to have a protective mask or other devices that cover the nose and mouth. Exceptions are allowed for customers in restaurants and bars. There more for the transgression it amounts to 300 levs (approx 150 euro).

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