Home » today » World » Coronavirus, WHO: “World still at the beginning of the pandemic”. Trump: “Possible vaccine in 3-4 weeks”. India surpasses 5 million cases

Coronavirus, WHO: “World still at the beginning of the pandemic”. Trump: “Possible vaccine in 3-4 weeks”. India surpasses 5 million cases

The pandemic caused by the new coronavirus has killed at least 930,180 people worldwide since the end of December (source: report prepared by the AFP). Almost 29.4 million cases of infections have been diagnosed. The United States is the country that has suffered the most with 195,765 deaths. This is followed by Brazil (133,119), India (82,066), Mexico (71,049) and the United Kingdom (41,664). According to the World Tourism Organization (OMTNU), the decline in international tourism due to the pandemic resulted in a loss of $ 460 billion for the sector in the first half of the year.

“It is much worse than any pandemic science fiction. This is very serious and we are not even halfway through, we are still at the beginning of the pandemic.” This was stated by the envoy of the World Health Organization, David Navarro, during a hearing in parliament in the United Kingdom.

Trump: “Possible vaccine in 3-4 weeks”

The coronavirus vaccine could be ready within three to four weeks: US President Donald Trump said in a town hall in Philadelphia. If so, the vaccine would arrive before the US elections on November 3.

Biden to Trump, stop golf; sit in the Oval Office

Donald Tump should “leave that damn golf course” to “sit in the Oval Office” and get to work on the coronavirus relief plan. So the Democratic challenger for the presidency, Joe Biden, speaking with reporters in Florida where he flew to campaign with Hispanics in particular in the crosshairs.

Coronavirus: negative Ireland minister, parliament meets again

The Irish Parliament returns to meet after Dublin Health Minister Stephen Donnelly tested negative for the coronavirus test. The meetings of the parliament were suspended after the minister fell ill. Meanwhile, the Minister of European Affairs, Thomas Byrne himself subjected to the test, has been placed in self-isolation.
Coronavirus: over 930,000 deaths worldwide.

India surpasses 5 million cases

In the great Asian country, infections have exceeded five million, exactly 5,020,359. The confirmed victims are 82,066.

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Mario Calabresi
Sostieni il giornalismo
Abbonati a Repubblica

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