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Coronavirus: WhatsApp curbs massive message sharing – World

Any viral message (marked with a double arrow) can now only be transferred to one other conversation at a time. Messaging for the two billion users had already limited the number of shares to a maximum of five correspondents at the same time, in January 2019. It also marked with a double arrow the messages transferred from one user to another more than five times .

“We know that many users transfer useful information, as well as funny videos, memes and thoughts or prayers that matter to them,” said the messaging service on its website.

Curb false information

“However, we have also noticed a significant increase in transfers, which the users find too numerous, and which can contribute to the propagation of false information”, specifies the company. “We think it is important to slow down the dissemination of these messages so that WhatsApp remains a personal conversation application.”

Messaging has long been accused of promoting the spread of false news, which in some cases has led to tragedy.

Monday, a map supposed to represent the progressive deconfinement to come from France continued to be shared on this service, as well as alerts on an alleged massive “filing” of the population via the digital displacement certificate.

WhatsApp ensures that previous measures against massive transfers have led to a 25% drop in the number of messages transferred worldwide.

Messaging also reports that the World Health Organization (WHO) and more than 20 ministries of health are using it to spread information about the pandemic, with more than 100 million messages already sent. (ats / nxp)

Created: 07.04.2020, 5:57 p.m.

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