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Coronavirus: what is expected if France should reconfigure itself in the coming days

the essential
The main lines of the restructuring plan were made public by Jean Castex, the senior official responsible for implementing deconfinement.

Going out on the street without a certificate, seeing friends again, going to the museum … The French have regained their freedom since Monday with the start of deconfinement. Not without some overflows as in Perthus on the Franco-Spanish border to buy cigarettes or on the banks of the Saint-Martin canal in Paris.

Even before the deconfinement, the government had prepared a possible reconfinement plan, in the event of a new wave of contamination with Covid-19. This scenario, which the health authorities fear, was entrusted to Jean Castex, the mayor of Prades in the Pyrénées-Orientales.

In a 68-page report, he writes: “In the absence, in the short term, of a vaccine or curative solution, the French population remains vulnerable to a resumption of the epidemic. The possibility of reversibility of the measures must therefore always be available and the possibility of an emergency reconfiguration must remain in the minds and be anticipated by the public authorities ”.

  • Criteria under surveillance

The health authorities will monitor emergency visits and calls to SOS Doctors, also monitor the results of the tests which are gaining momentum.

  • When would the restructuring be decided?

If the number of positive cases per day were doubled compared to what it is today, the reconfiguration would then be decided, “including locally” explained Jean Castex before the Senate on May 6. This means that only one or more departments could be reconfigured. He recommends a “very progressive disarming” of the intensive care beds in the hospital and recommends their reopening within 24, 48 or 72 hours depending on the beds.

  • Could the reconfiguration be quick?

Jean Castex does not rule out a rapid reconfinement, before June 2, the end date of the first phase of deconfinement, if the situation so required. We must not “wait until June 2 if certain elements show that the epidemic is starting again,” said Monsieurs the government confused before the deputies on Tuesday. While the hospital staff are on the spot, he indicates that “particular attention must be paid to human resources in a context of fatigue of the hospital staff”.

  • Better support

If a reconfiguration were put in place, Jean Castex writes that it will be necessary “to provide for social and economic support devices of the nature of those put in place during the confinement period” but also “to better prevent the psychosocial risks of confinement which are better known today. “

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