Home » today » News » Coronavirus: What if the SNB’s money was used to heal the wounds of the virus? – Swiss

Coronavirus: What if the SNB’s money was used to heal the wounds of the virus? – Swiss

The more the epidemic progresses in Switzerland, the more urgent the calls for help. Severely hit by the effects of the coronavirus, the tourist industry thus demands “immediate support” from the public authorities. Bookings are in free fall, turnover is plunging, and there is a lack of cash. Hoteliers and transporters therefore request, among other things, “the establishment of non-bureaucratic loans at zero rate”.

It is to respond to this type of urgent request that Olivier Feller (PLR / VD) filed an interpellation this Thursday at the National Council. His idea: that part of the profit of the National Bank (SNB) paid to the Confederation be allocated “to cover the expenses caused by the coronavirus”.

“Extraordinary” windfall

The Vaudois national councilor thinks of the additional 2 billion francs promised to the Confederation and the Cantons under an agreement signed on February 28. A windfall thanks to the fact that, at the end of 2019, the balance of the reserve of the SNB for future distributions exceeded 40 billion francs after allocation of the profit.

Of these 2 billion, two thirds go to the Cantons and a third – or 666 million francs – to the Confederation. Olivier Feller suggests that the Federal Council devote all or part of this 666 million to the objective sought: to support those who pay the bill for the Covid-19. “It is an extraordinary amount, of a conjunctural nature, argues the Vaud national councilor. The coronavirus also causes an extraordinary situation. The approach would therefore seem coherent to me. ”

Growing expenses

The elected PLR does not think only of the private economy, but also of public authorities. “They have to face exceptional expenses, if only in terms of health costs. And it will continue. So the reflection must be broad. ” According to him, it is a question of “isolating financial resources, then using them on the basis of political choices”.

As for businesses that suffer, like tourist providers, Olivier Feller imagines that the fresh money provided by the SNB could serve as a bank guarantee. It may be up to the Federal Council to look into it.

Created: 12.03.2020, 10:50 p.m.

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