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Coronavirus: “we see the tsunami coming and we know we’re going to take it in the face”, an intern at the CHU in Amiens

The video is a little over 8 and a half minutes. 8 and a half minutes during which Antoine Martin, medical intern at the CHU of Amiens, gives an update on the coronavirus and on the situation to come.
The tone is set and the subject, didactic: “I have a message for you. Because I think we have a big problem in the way we manage this health crisis in France and that I feel compelled to tell you about it”.

Antoine Martin begins by warning that the coronavirus “is very easily transmitted. It is very easily contagious”. The intern in medicine at the University Hospital of Amiens details how this virus is transmitted and how to avoid catching it by recalling the barrier gestures.

“I saw what it does to the lungs”

The emergency physician explains that the coronavirus is dangerous because it is “invisible: it is so invisible that you can have it without having the symptoms. So it is not because you have no symptoms that you do not have the coronavirus. It is not because that you meet people who do not have symptoms you do not have coronavirus. That is why the essential measure is containment. It is essential that you stay at home. “

And to emphasize that the coronavirusis deadly. I have seen cases of coronavirus in my hospital, in the emergency room, in intensive care. I saw what it was like including on people of 20 years. I saw the chest CT images. I saw what it was like on the lungs. We know there will be a lot of deaths. “

We do not even know what it will give in those who will heal because the lungs will they heal completely? Will it leave a legacy? We do not know.

Antoine Martin explains how the Amiens CHU organized itself to manage patients with coronavirus. The entire hospital has been split: a circuit for covid-19 patients with dedicated emergency and intensive care units and a circuit for other patients.

A huge wave to come

“Here, we are not yet saturated but we feel that it is going up and that it will not stop anytime soon. And as much as we push the walls of the hospital, we may as well make room, we No matter how well organized we can not hospitalize a tenth of the population at the same time. Everything will depend on you. We see the tsunami coming and we know that we are going to take it in the face. the highest possible dam, everything will depend on the size of the wave. And the size of the wave, it will depend on you. “

Antoine Martin urges the French to respect confinement. “We are not asking you to understand why. We are asking you to confine yourself. Let us tell you that we, we know what it will be like, we know how serious it is, we know what it takes do: you have to confine yourself. “

The casualness of the French

Indignant by the people in the parks, by the urban people who left their city to go and confine themselves in the provinces “where they come to overload my emergencies or those of a hospital which is not already sized to manage this health crisis and which is even less so with an additional population”, Antoine Martin feels “as a caregiver, insulted. It is as if we were told” get out of it, manage this crisis, save our lives but do not prevent us from living as we want to live “.

This arrogance, it may be a little French but it is dangerous. It is deadly.

And to conclude: “No matter how much you applaud us every night, we will feel insulted all the same. Of course, it’s heart warming, we tell ourselves that we are supported. But anyway, we know that we will be there because it “is our ethics, it is our vocation. We will respond present. Like a firefighter who goes in the middle of a fire or a police officer in the middle of an attack. We will be there, right in the middle of this crisis. But that doesn’t not depend on us but on you: stay at home.

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