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Coronavirus – virologist: outbreak in Italy “came as a surprise”

The frequent occurrence of the novel coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 in Northern Italy “came really surprising,” said the virologist Norbert Nowotny from the veterinary (Vetmed) University of Vienna on Monday for APA, In view of the current developments, the probability one pandemic rather high. To prevent this, “everything should be tried”, said the expert.

Both coronaviruses it is a very large virus family. “They are found in almost every species,” said Nowotny, The end of the year in China as a zoonosis – that is, an infectious disease that can be transmitted from animal to human and vice versa – is due to its relatively simple droplet transmission from person to person.

The three coronavirus variants that have made the leap to human beings in the past 18 years originally all came from bats, but do not contract them themselves. The transfer to humans took place via intermediate hosts: bei SARS (2002) was the larval roller, a sneak cat species, at MERS (2012) it was dromedaries and now the first transmission in the Chinese province is likely Wuhan about the pangolin, a pangolin species.

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