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Coronavirus, Vargas Llosa: “Many governments have used pandemics to limit freedom. Unacceptable”

“Many governments have used the pandemic to limit freedom and all of this is unacceptable because it is an irreversible process.” The Nobel laureate said so Mario Vargas Llosa speaking in Taobuk, the book festival of Taormina. “Freedom of the press – for example – should not be limited”, added the writer who received the Taobuk Award at the Greek theater in Taormina.

But the Nobel laureate also stresses: “We must accept the restrictions that doctors establish, but I believe that accepting the restrictions is very dangerous for the future of democracy and freedom”. The Nobel Prize for Belarusian literature Svetlana Aleksievic, who was also awarded yesterday during the evening hosted by Antonella Ferrara and Alessio Zucchini, will also listen to him in the front row.


On the subject, the Peruvian writer had already intervened in April by being the first to sign the manifesto “Que la pandemia no sea un pretexto para el autoritarismo”, or that the pandemic is not a pretext for authoritarianism. The document, published on the website of its Fundación Internacional para la Libertad, bears the signature of over 650 illustrious members of Spanish-speaking politicians and intellectuals – but also some Italians – from twenty-eight countries. Speaking of current affairs, the Nobel Prize for literature also commented on the US political situation, explaining that “we never imagined that the United States could reach such a descent as to be governed by someone like Trump, it is incomprehensible. Trump is a mediocre person. and without culture, a poor wretch, a fool who ruled in an indecorous way “.

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Mario Calabresi
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Abbonati a Repubblica

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