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Coronavirus, vaccine | The story of six vaccinated wedding guests who became infected with the coronavirus attracts attention

Vaccination was the requirement to be allowed to attend the wedding, but it still ended in death.

A wedding in Texas is now making headlines in the United States. The reason is that the requirement to join the wedding was that one was vaccinated, but still it all ended with a fatal outcome.

Six out of 92 people were infected

In total, six of the people who attended the wedding in Texas were infected, writes Insider. All of them were infected by the Delta variety, which originates from India.

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Although the wedding was held outdoors and all guests were vaccinated, the virus did not prevent it from spreading.

There were a total of 92 guests at the wedding and one of the guests ended up dying after being infected, according to a study of the wedding which Baylor College of Medicine completed.

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All were over 50 years old

Insider, who is one of those discussing the study and the wedding, writes that the wedding took place in a large outdoor tent before the Delta variant spread strongly around the United States. Before being allowed to attend the wedding, the guests had to assure that they had been vaccinated, but according to the study, no comprehensive control was carried out.

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Of the six who became infected, all were over 50 years old. Two had received the Pfizer vaccine, two had received Covaxin and the other two had been vaccinated with Moderna.

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Two got serious infections

Two of those vaccinated with Covaxin and Pfizer, respectively, contracted serious infections. A man in his 60s who was infected and who had been vaccinated with Pfizer was hospitalized 10 days after the wedding where he received the antiviral drug from the company Regeneron, which Donald Trump also received when he was infected.

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The man had no underlying illnesses, and survived the incident.

It did not, however, do the other man, who was in his late 60s. He was vaccinated with Covaxin and died as a result of complications related to the coronavirus. Nor did he have any underlying diseases.

Although the four others who were infected experienced symptoms such as fever, cough, lethargy and muscle pain after being infected, they did not become seriously ill. Another finding from the study was that the four who had been vaccinated with Moderna and Covaxin, all lost their sense of smell.

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According to Insider The four others who were also infected at the wedding all had underlying health problems such as hypertension or diabetes.

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– The infection came from India

The study states that the infection probably came to the wedding from two guests who came from India.

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The two had tested negative on leaving India, but later developed symptoms in the United States. All six people who were infected during the wedding have explained that they had close contact with these two people during the wedding.

CDC Director Rochelle Walensky now urges everyone, even those who have been vaccinated, to take a test to see if they experience symptoms such as a runny nose, sore throat or cough, any indication that they may be infected with the Delta virus.

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“I want to emphasize that if you experience these symptoms in the upper respiratory tract, and you have been vaccinated, then I definitely encourage you to take a coronary test,” Walensky said at a press conference in the White House last week.

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At the same time, she emphasizes that 99.5 percent of all deaths in the United States in recent months are among people who have not been vaccinated.

“These deaths can all be prevented with a simple injection,” says Walensky.

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