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Coronavirus. Vaccination launched on Sunday in two institutions for the elderly

D-2 for a highly anticipated launch: the French campaign of vaccination against the Covid-19 will begin Sunday in Sevran, near Paris, and Dijon, with elderly volunteers to be injected with the first doses of vaccine against a virus that has caused more than 62,000 dead in the country.

After the United States, the Britain, or more recently the Suisse, France will begin its vaccination campaign against Covid-19 two days after Christmas, like any the European Union.

Gradually throughout France in January

This “Will start in a small number of establishments for the elderly, and will gradually expand to the whole of France in January”, announced Tuesday evening the Minister of Health Olivier Véran.

Thus, some residents of institutions for the elderly and their caregivers – designated priority public – should receive the first injection of the vaccine developed by the American Pfizer and the German BioNTech, the only one on the market today.

The first bottles are due to arrive on French soil on Saturday, after a trip under high security.

The next day, the vaccine will be administered to residents of two establishments, one located in Seine-Saint-Denis, a department which has paid a heavy price for the Covid (nearly 1,500 dead), the other in Bourgogne-Franche- County, one of the regions with the highest incidence rate of the virus.

Vaccination is not compulsory

These places are the geriatric center of Champmaillot, a specialized service of 60 beds for elderly people which depends on the Dijon University Hospital, and the long-term care unit of the René-Muret hospital in Sevran (AP-HP ).

Expected at the beginning of 2021, this first vaccination campaign on Sunday surprised a sector which has taken the full brunt of the health crisis and whose staff are running out of steam on the eve of the holidays.

Vaccination against Covid-19 is not compulsory and is voluntary.

Performed on medical prescription, it must be preceded by a pre-vaccination consultation to detect any contraindications, allergies or infections, and obtain the consent of the person.

Dedicated freezer

If the person cannot give consent ” enlightened “, its legal representative, its ” trusted person “, or failing that, a member of her family will be able to make the choice for her, indicates the vaccination protocol sent by the Ministry of Health to all nursing homes. Without an agreement, there will be no vaccination.

According to data released Friday evening by Public Health France, the Covid has killed 159 people in hospitals in 24 hours (after 292 Thursday), bringing the death toll to 62,427 (including 43,232 in hospital) since the start of the pandemic .

Health authorities fear that the end of the year celebrations will lead to a rebound in the epidemic, by promoting social promiscuity.

Warning against a “Obvious third wave”, the emergency physician Patrick Pelloux called the patients “Which are potentially serious and which have so far escaped the coronavirus to himself “Vaccinate”.

“Very few serious side effects”

The arrival in the EU of the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine was validated on Monday by the European Medicines Agency. The French green light was then issued Thursday by the High Authority for Health (HAS).

The vaccine “Can be used in persons 16 years of age and over”, “Because of its efficacy and its satisfactory tolerance profile”, estimated the health authority on Christmas Eve.

This product, called Comirnaty, is “Very well tolerated”, with “Very few serious side effects”, she said.

After Sunday’s experience, larger vaccine deliveries are scheduled for early January.

The campaign for 7,000 nursing homes, early 2021

The campaign for the 7,000 nursing homes in France, their residents and their caregivers likely to develop serious forms of Covid will not really start on a large scale until early 2021.

Vaccine arrivals are staggered for production and delivery constraints, but also for conservation, the Pfizer BioNTech having to be stored at -80 ° C.

This week, the possibility of seeing certain trips made conditional on vaccination, mentioned in a recent bill, provoked fiery reactions from the opposition, fearing a restriction of freedoms. To the point that the government postponed consideration of the text until later, not “Before coming out of the crisis”, Olivier Véran said on Tuesday.

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