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Coronavirus vaccination in Ecuador – vaccine is in short supply

As part of the plan, the country wants to vaccinate 9 million people against coronavirus. This is necessary to revive the economy by combating the pandemic. The mass vaccination was initiated by President Guillermo Lasso.

However, the government has already admitted that there is not enough vaccine in the country to achieve this goal. All plans depend on the supply of vaccines from abroad.

The coronavirus vaccination in Ecuador began back in January, but under former President Lenin Moreno it has progressed slowly. Lasso himself took office on May 24 and began to address the vaccine shortage.

He asked the United Nations to expedite the delivery of vaccines as part of the COVAX initiative to supply vaccines to poor countries. Health Ministry Says Ecuador Has Received About 3.5 Million Pfize Vaccines Already, Sinovac and AstraZeneca, but not enough to vaccinate the entire population.

In this regard, the government had to go to extreme measures and begin negotiations with Russia on the purchase of about 18 million doses of the Sputnik V vaccine.

As you know, WHO has not yet recognized this vaccine as safe and effective. The vaccine can only be assessed this summer.

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