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Coronavirus | USA reaches 589 665 deaths and more than 33 102 655 infections | COVID-19

USA This Saturday reached 33,102,655 confirmed cases and 589 665 deaths due to the pandemic of the COVID-19, according to the independent count from Johns Hopkins University. 33084236

This balance of 20.00 local time (00.00 GMT on Sunday) was 449 deaths and 18 419 infections more than on Friday, although the count slows down during the weekends.

California is the state hardest hit by the pandemic with 62,905 deaths, followed by New York (53,112), Texas (51,209), Florida (36,467), Pennsylvania (26,978), New Jersey (26,084) and Illinois ( 24 976).

Other states with large death toll include Georgia (20,667), Michigan (20.), Ohio (19,709), Massachusetts (17,818), and Arizona (17,547).

In terms of infections, California has 3,775,959, second is Texas with 2,940,553, third is Florida with 2,308,266 and New York, fourth with 2,094,245.

The provisional death toll – 589,675 – far exceeds the lower limit of the initial estimates of the White House, which in the best of cases projected between 100,000 and 240,000 deaths from the pandemic.

The president of the United States, Joe Biden, has predicted that in total more than 600,000 people will die in the country because of the new coronavirus.

Regarding vaccines, some 162.47 million people (48.9% of the population) have received at least one dose, of which 129 million (38.9%) are already fully immunized, according to to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

(With information from EFE)


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