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Coronavirus Tuscany, today’s data on infections: hospitalizations are falling, many recovered

Florence, November 26, 2020 – Both ordinary and intensive care hospitalizations are decreasing, the positive / tampon ratio is rising again, there are many recovered (2,424). The deaths are 72 but not all in the last 24 hours. This is the summary of Covid bulletin today in Tuscany.

I’m 1,351 the positives al Covid more than yesterday (779 identified in the course of tracing and 572 from screening activities) out of a total, since the beginning of the epidemic, of 99,327 units. New cases are 1.4% more than the previous day’s total. The average age of the 1,351 cases today is around 48 years old (12% are under 20 years old, 23% between 20 and 39 years old, 36% between 40 and 59 years old, 20% between 60 and 79 years old, 9% have 80 years or older).

I healed from coronavirus there are 2,424 and an increase of 5.2% and reach 48,742 (49.1% of total cases). THE swabs performed reached 1,511,997, 16,999 more than yesterday, of which 7.9% positive. On the other hand, 7,144 subjects tested today (excluding control swabs), of which 18.9% were positive. Added to these are the 2,623 rapid antigenic swabs performed today. The currently positives are 48,135 today, -2.3% compared to yesterday. The hospitalized are 1,993 (47 less than yesterday), of which 281 in ICU (5 fewer).

Today they register 72 new deaths: 42 men and 30 women with an average age of 82.7 years. Regarding the province of residence, the deceased people are: 32 in Florence, 12 in Prato, 5 in Pistoia, 3 in Massa Carrara, 1 in Lucca, 5 in Pisa, 10 in Livorno, 2 in Siena, 2 in Grosseto. Some of the deaths reported to the regional offices in the last 24 hours refer to deaths that occurred in the past few weeks.

The map of the new infections

The following are the cases of positivity in the area with the change from yesterday. There are 28,014 total cases to date a Florence (374 more than yesterday), 8.785 a Meadow (100 more), 8,619 y Pistoia (164 more), 6,186 a Massa Carrara (52 more), 9,866 a Lucca (156 more), 13,557 a Pisa (187 more), 6,993 y Livorno (108 more), 9,201 ad Arezzo (123 more), 4,059 a Siena (39 more), 3,492 a Grosseto (48 more). 555 positive cases were reported in Tuscany, but residing in other regions.
There are 638, therefore, the cases found today in the ASL Center (sum of the provinces of Florence, Prato, Pistoia), 503 in the North West (Massa Carrara, Lucca, Pisa, Livorno), 210 in the South East (Arezzo, Siena, Grosseto ).

Tuscany is in 8th place in Italy in terms of number of cases (including residents and non-residents), with about 2,663 cases per 100,000 inhabitants (Italian average about 2,453 x100,000, yesterday’s figure). The provinces with the highest rate of notification are Prato with 3,409 cases x 100,000 inhabitants, Pisa with 3,235, Massa Carrara with 3,174, the lowest Siena with 1,519.

Overall, 46,142 people are in isolation at home, as they have mild symptoms, which do not require hospital treatment or are symptom-free (1,098 fewer than yesterday, minus 2.3%). I’m 45.934 (1,419 fewer than yesterday, minus 3%) people, they too isolated, under active surveillance, because they have had contact with infected people (Asl Centro 16,065, North West 20,448, South East 9,421).

Hospitalizations are decreasing

People hospitalized in the beds dedicated to Covid patients today there are a total of 1,993 (47 less than yesterday, minus 2.3%), 281 in intensive care (5 less than yesterday, minus 1.7%).

The people overall heal there are 48.742 (2,424 more than yesterday, plus 5.2%): 2,530 people clinically cured (126 fewer than yesterday, minus 4.7%), that is, who became asymptomatic after presenting clinical manifestations associated with the infection and 46,212 (2,550 more than yesterday, more 5.8%) declared fully cured, the so-called viral healings, with negative swab.

The deaths

I’m 2.450 i deceased since the beginning of the epidemic divided as follows: 904 in Florence, 160 in Prato, 186 in Pistoia, 279 in Massa Carrara, 238 in Lucca, 259 in Pisa, 160 in Livorno, 124 in Arezzo, 65 in Siena, 52 in Grosseto, 23 people died on the ground Tuscan but were residents outside the region.

The Tuscan raw mortality rate (number of deaths / resident population) for Covid-19 is 65.7 x100.000 residents against 86.2 x100.000 of the Italian average (10th region). As for the provinces, the highest mortality rate is found in Massa Carrara (143.2 x100.000), Florence (89.4 x100.000) and Pistoia (63.6 x100.000), the lowest in Grosseto (23.5 x100.000).

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