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Coronavirus, towards new rules for grocery stores. Trains and planes, limitations

The firm line: if citizens continue to go out without proven reason, outdoor sports will be prohibited and new bans will be imposed. The Minister of Sports Vincenzo Spadafora says this clearly in the morning and the holder of regional affairs Francesco Boccia reiterates it in the evening. Among the hypotheses there is that of imposing an early closing time for food and contingenting the entrances of those who go shopping, preventing jogging even in the green areas not fenced, limiting movements justified by work needs that are not demonstrated . By a decree of the Transport Minister Paola De Micheli, rail traffic has already been limited and connections with Sicily and Sardinia have been effectively blocked. Now we are waiting for the weekend to monitor risky situations, such as moving to second homes or in any case going out for more than two people. And then a new – and more decisive – tightening could start.

(Here all the answers to your questions about Coronavirus: the special)

In the street

The first warning comes from Spadafora. The checks carried out by police and carabinieri show that the number of those who do outdoor sports in a group or use this excuse to stay away from home for many hours is still very high. Behavior prohibited by the decree, so much so that many mayors have decided to close the parks. And so to risk are all those who instead need to practice motor activity and do it respecting the rules. In fact, says the owner of Sport: When we left this opportunity, we did it because the medical-scientific community told us to give many people the opportunity to also run for other health conditions. But the general appeal was to stay home: if it is not heeded we will be forced to place an absolute ban on outdoor activities.

Food and shops

With the passing of the hours and with the data released by the Civil Protection that demonstrate a still high number of infections, the need to give citizens the need not to leave is clear. Boccia does it when he remembers that in terms of behavior, the vaccine will leave each of us at home and confirm how the government is considering whether to tighten it further. One of the hypotheses is the reduction in the opening hours of food and supermarkets to prevent people from staying out late and allow one person at a time to enter smaller shops to avoid contacts. If this were not enough, one would be forced to limit the task of shopping and going to the pharmacy to a single component of each family unit, but this is an extreme measure that the government aims in every way to avoid. Self-discipline and self-control are needed, reiterates the Minister of the Interior Luciana Lamorgese, who asked for the intensification of the controls and did not exclude – as for Campania – that the committees for the order and security may have for the surveillance even of the soldiers .

Terni, planes and ferries

New limitations have already been provided for by the decree signed by the Minister of Transport Paola De Micheli for movements justified in a fictitious manner with work reasons. They have been limited the High Speed ​​and Intercity routes (the list of confirmed trains can be found on the Railways websites and also here). To connect Sicily to Calabria there are only four trips a day in the Strait of Messina. Only travelers on foot, by car or motorbike can board, while prohibited for coaches. However, the transport of goods remains permitted. Similar speech for connections with Sardinia. After closing the air connections, it was decided that even private or chartered flights can take off only for work and health reasons and authorized by the President of the Region.

March 19, 2020 (change March 19, 2020 | 07:16)


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