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Coronavirus, today’s bulletin. Italian data and table of 23 August – Chronicle

Rome, 23 August 2020 – The new one bulletin on the epidemic from Coronavirus in Italia confirm the resurgence of infections, after that was also yesterday passed the roof of a thousand positives at Covid19. Despite the epidemic curve continues to remain high, the Minister of Health Roberto Speranza ensures that “there will be no new lockdown” and the virologist Giorgio Palù states: “Enough alarmism”. And he adds: “There will always be contagions. We have to live with this virus without panicking.” The focus is on you come back from holidays and, in this regard, today is the result positivo al Covid19 iThe Bologna coach, Sinisa Mihajlovic, after returning from Sardinia. Also on the front migrants and imported infections is controversial and, given the landings in recent weeks, the governor of Sicily Nello Musumeci has signed an order to send “all migrants away from Sicily by tomorrow”. But the Interior Ministry holds back: “It is not a regional competence”. Meanwhile, 19 migrants tested positive in two communities in Agrigento.

Covid, the budget of 23 August

Another ascent of the epidemic curve: they are 1210 i new positives to the Coronavirus, bringing the total of cases to 259,345. The total number of currently positive is 18,438, an increase of 935 compared to yesterday. Among the currently positive, there are 69 (+5) being treated at the terapie intensive, 971 people are hospitalized with symptoms, an increase of 47 patients compared to 22 August. In home isolation 17,398 people, without symptoms or with mild symptoms. Compared to the previous day, then, the new ones deceased there are 7 and bring the total to 35,437. The total number of discharged e healed instead it rises to 205,470, with an increase of 267 people compared to yesterday.

I tampons carried out in the last 24 hours have been 67.371, thus bringing the total to over 8 million. Lombardy is the region that has performed the most sceening (1,483,556, of which 13,663 only in the last 24 hours), followed by Veneto with 1,453,684, of which 10,592 in the last 24 hours.

The numbers of the Regions


Boom of positives in Lombardy: there are 239 new cases of Coronavirus in Lombardy, of which 26 ‘weakly positive’ and 5 following serological tests. Of the new cases, “190 are related to people who have less than 50 years old and two thirds of the positives concern citizens who return from abroad and their direct contacts “, says the Lombard councilor for Welfare, Giulio Gallera. There are 4 new deaths, with the total number of victims in the region rising to 16,856. there are a total of 75,678 (+29). The number of hospitalizations (148) and of patients in intensive care (14) is stable. There are 13,663 swabs performed, for a total of 1,483,556. Of the new positives, 89 are in the province of Milano (of which 50 in the city), 46 in Brescia, 16 in Monza and Brianza, 14 in Como, 13 in Varese, 7 in Lodi, 6 in Lecco, 5 in Pavia, 4 in Cremona and Mantua. In Bergamo, which yesterday had not registered infections, there are 32 positives, while Sondrio is the only Lombard province without new cases. Meanwhile, they remain serious but stable conditions of the 17 year old of Albano (Bergamo), hospitalized in the Covid intensive care unit of the Milan Polyclinic, and this morning the swab carried out by the doctors was negative, as were the 23 l relatives and friends of the boy.

Emilia Romagna

Since the beginning of the Coronavirus epidemic, in Emilia Romagna there were 30,915 positive cases, 127 more compared to yesterday, of which 68 asymptomatic identified as part of the regional contact tracing and screening activities. Of the 127 new cases, 46 were already in isolation at the time the swab was performed and 39 were identified from known outbreaks. There are 30 new infections connected to holidays or returns from abroad, for which the Region has provided two nasal pharyngeal swabs during fiduciary isolation if arriving from non-Schengen countries and one swab if returning from Greece, Spain, Croatia and Malta. Out of 68 new asymptomatic patients, 21 were identified through the screening and tests introduced by the Region, 25 thanks to contact tracing, while 3 cases emerged from pre-admission tests. As for the situation on the territory, the provinces with the highest number of cases are Bologna (29), Reggio Emilia (25), Piacenza (15), Ravenna (12) e Ferrara (11).


Still a high number of Coronavirus positives in Lazio: “today 184 cases and one death, of which the 60% are return links, while those with links from Sardinia decrease (35%) “. This is what the Councilor for Health Alessio D’Amato explains, who adds:” Cases decrease compared to yesterday and it is even more significant given the number record of the swabs carried outi in the last 24h. Overtime of our healthcare workers and drive-in access records. System maintenance of Coronet laboratories, effective and efficient network. This extensive work is a useful stress test for shooting in September“And on the returns from Sardinia, the commissioner concludes:” We are ready for reciprocity with the Sardinia, to ensure safety which is the common goal. Any positive shipments to Sardinia must be transferred to the continent in a protected manner “.


In Tuscany there are 11,175 cases of Coronavirus positivity, 59 more compared to yesterday (17 identified in the course of tracing and 42 from screening activities). The average age of the 59 cases today is about 34 years and, as regards the clinical conditions, the 65% were asymptomatic. Of today’s 59 positives, 11 cases can be linked to returns from abroad, of which 1 for reasons of vacation (Spain), plus 3 contacts from recent returns (2 Malta, 1 Croatia). While 11 cases can be linked to returns from Sardinia, 4 from other Italian regions. One case refers to a citizen residing outside the region, whose positivity was notified in Tuscany. The currently positive are today 980, + 5.6% compared to yesterday. There are no new deaths.

The other Regions

In the Market the positives drop: 5 new cases of Coronavirus. In Veneto sthere are 145 more cases of positive swab detected in the last 24 hours. I’m 13, however, the new cases of Covid-19 in South Tyrol, on about a thousand swabs carried out. Another 20 positives in Abruzzo, 33 in Puglia and 19 in Umbria. In Friuli Venezia Giulia 24 infected.

The other news

In our country the curve rises, but also in the rest of the world the Coronavirus pandemic shows no signs of stopping and the number of cases sup to 23 million. L’India has reached 3 million positives (un million of which in the last two weeks alone), but the United States remain the most affected country (5,668,105 infections and 176,362 victims), followed by the Brazil.

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