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CORONAVIRUS today October 22: This is the situation

  • Map of cases and summary of covid-19 data in Spain, Italy, the US, China and the rest of the world

  • The rules of the new normal and the latest news on the vaccine, in detail

The coronavirus it is subjecting the world to a health crisis that will mark an era. After bursting into China, the covid-19 has managed to spread across all continents, although it has been particularly primed in Europe and USA. After frightening the Asian giant, most European countries have received a strong onslaught of cases. These are the most relevant data of the day:

Infected, dead and vaccination in Spain

The Ministry of Health has notified today friday 2,556 new cases of covid, 1212 of them diagnosed in the last 24 hours. The total number of infected since the beginning of the pandemic amounts to 4.997.732 cases. The cumulative incidence it is 44.49 cases per 100,000 inhabitants.

Likewise, the department headed by Carolina Darias has reported 30 deceased for covid more, 30 in the last seven days. Therefore, the global death toll from coronavirus in Spain stands at 87,132 people.

Regarding the vaccination campaign, they have already distributed a total of 75,642,021 doses of the vaccines against COVID from Pfizer-BioNTech, Moderna, Janssen and AstraZeneca. The figure of Total doses administered amounts to 71,072,261. The total number of people with full agenda It is 37.086.628.

In any case, it should be taken into account that with regard to the number of infected, the Health data is usually somewhat lower than the real one, since the regional councils always have more up-to-date data.

These are the autonomies most affected, according to the accumulated incidence (cases per 100,000 inhabitants in 14 days):

New normal

In this phase of the fight against the coronavirus, measures such as the physical distancing of at least 1.5 meters. Teleworking is also still implemented in many companies, among other measures to contain the virus.


The regrowth from coronavirus in some areas of Spain They have been forcing, for months, to adopt control measures throughout the pandemic with more or less severe restrictions, as the rate of infections has evolved.

Lockdowns and curfew

During the pandemic, the health crisis situation has led to government to decree the state of alarm. The last It lasted until May 9. Almost all autonomous governments have submitted to perimeter confinements their territories to avoid as much as possible the mobility of the population and have imposed more or less severe restrictions that have begun to be eliminated in the majority of autonomous communities. The curfew Nocturnal has also been implemented for many months in the autonomous communities as a measure to curb the incidence of the virus. The end of the state of alarm has also meant putting an end to this measure of restriction to night mobility.

Mandatory masks

To avoid as much as possible the spread and contagion of the virus among the population, all the autonomous communities approved the mandatory use of masks despite maintaining the safety distance of 1.5 meters. Catalonia was the pioneer community that was followed Extremadura, Balearic Islands, Aragon, Murcia, La Rioja, Andalusia, Cantabria, Asturias, Galicia, Navarra, Basque Country, Castilla y León, Valencian Community, Castilla-La Mancha and Madrid. Canary Islands it was the last to incorporate this measure, which is already in force throughout the archipelago. Since last June 26, its use has ceased to be mandatory outdoors.

Economic measures

The Council of Ministers approved on March 17 an economic and social shock plan to face the coronavirus crisis in Spain in which it groups together a set of emergency economic measures. The total cost will be about 200,000 million euros, as reported by the Government of Pedro Sánchez. These are the 10 most outstanding measures:

  • Mortgage moratorium. Approval of a moratorium on the payment of mortgages to people who have reduced their income or are unemployed due to the coronavirus.

  • Payment of supplies. Moratorium on the payment of basic supplies (water, electricity and gas) to vulnerable groups.

  • Social bonus. Automatic extension until September of the social bonus to beneficiary households.

  • Care for the elderly and dependents. Creation of a specific contingency fund to reinforce care for the elderly, homeless and in homes for the elderly and dependents. Some 300 million euros will be allocated.

  • Making municipal spending more flexible. Relaxation of the spending rule so that municipalities can use their surplus if they invest it in social care items such as dependency care, social services and all kinds of social problems associated with the coronavirus crisis. Some 300 million euros will be allocated.

  • Authorization of ertes. The authorization process for ertes (temporary employment regulation files) will be streamlined. They will be considered made by force majeure and will be handled quickly.

  • Collection of unemployment in case of erte. Unemployment benefit guarantee in case of erte. All workers affected by these procedures will have the right to collect unemployment even if they do not comply with the minimum contribution period required for this. In addition, the time that the receipt of this benefit lasts (counter to zero) will not be considered consumed.

  • Extension of unemployment benefit. Automatic extension of unemployment benefits. No one will lose their rights by not being able to go to the employment offices.

  • Promotion of teleworking. Facilitate teleworking through an “important” endowment to companies for the purchase of computers, while allowing workers to adapt or reduce their working hours to care for their dependents, being possible a 100% reduction of the day.

  • Help family care. Right to family care for all workers without being punished or fired (reduction of working hours even up to 100% or reorganization for family care up to the second degree – grandchildren and grandparents-).

Rental aid

The Government of Pedro Sánchez On March 31, it also approved several measures to guarantee housing for tenants affected by the crisis. These are the rent aid for coronavirus:

  • Microcredits to pay the rent. The State makes available to tenants of small landlords microcredits at an interest rate of 0 so that people who are left in a vulnerable situation can pay their rent.

  • Large owners: 50% reduction. Large homeowners -funds, Socimis (Listed Real Estate Investment Companies) and real estate- must make a 50% reduction or a debt restructuring in 3 years.

  • The State will pay rent to the most vulnerable (people who remain vulnerable after the crisis). Up to 900 euros per month and 200 euros for the payment of supplies, maintenance, etc.

  • Extension of leases. Extraordinary 6-month extension of the habitual residence rental contracts to avoid abusive increases.

  • Suspension of evictions. The Executive orders the suspension of evictions without a housing alternative for six months after the end of the state of alarm.

Travel abroad

The different waves that have occurred in Spain and the rest of Europe have led several countries to impose serious restrictive measures for Spanish citizens who decide to travel to certain places. There are countries that have imposed the quarantine, others force a test PCR and also those who they prohibit their entry. If you decide to travel outside our borders, it is recommended to inquire on the website of the embassies or consulates of the destination countries or on the website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Entry of travelers to Spain

In the same way that many countries have imposed control measures on Spaniards who travel to certain areas, Spain also requires controls on people from countries considered at risk who want to enter the country through ports or airports.

Situation in China, the US, Italy and other countries

While in China, the number of coronavirus cases is very low, the epidemic has continued to advance in USA and in Europe where different waves of infections have been experienced.


The United Kingdom was the first country in Europe to start mass vaccinating its entire population with the Pfizer vaccine after it was shown that its effectiveness exceeds 90% and passing all relevant protocols and approvals and not showing side effects important. In Spain, the vaccination campaign began on Sunday, December 27 and since then the autonomous communities have been vaccinating the population according to the covid vaccination plan that has been approved and in which the priority groups to receive immunity are set.

Related news

Next to the pfizer vaccine mass inoculation of the population with the AstraZeneca vaccine which has an effectiveness that exceeds 90%.

Also the Moderna vaccine, which has already begun to be inoculated, places its effectiveness at 94.5%, the Russian Sputnik by 95% and the Janssen vaccine, 66% effective in preventing mild symptomatic infections and 85% effective in preventing severe forms of the disease.

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