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Coronavirus ticker NRW: New protection regulation published

The number of corona infections in NRW is still high. Angela Merkel and the prime ministers have now decided on important approaches. All information in the news ticker.

++ Update the news ticker on the coronavirus in NRW ++

Update: January 8, 9:50 p.m.. Today, Friday, the new Corona Protection Ordinance of the state of North Rhine-Westphalia was published, which will come into force on January 11th. In it are those from before Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) and the country chiefs decided to stricter Contact restrictions listed.

So may after the new Corona regulation For NRW From January 11th, households will only have contact with one other person, who may, however, bring their children to be supervised. The restricted range of motion was discussed previously. This should come into force from an incidence value of 200 and extend within a radius of 15 kilometers around the place of residence.

Contrary to expectations, however, this passage is not mandatory, but can be individually requested by the municipalities in NRW to be decided. However, that this is in cities and Communities with a high Corona incidence value, such as Bielefeld* That will happen is very likely.

state NRW
Residents 17.93 million
Prime Minister Armin Laschet (CDU)

Corona in NRW: Decision made – daycare fees are suspended

Update: January 7, 8 p.m.. The decision has been made: for January, the Daycare fees in NRW exposed. Family minister said that Joachim Stamp (FDP) opposite the WDR. The Minister made the agreement together with Finance Minister Lutz Lienenkämper (CDU). Since the daycare centers are not expected to open again until February, the parents do not pay their contribution for the month.

Update: 7. Januar. On Thursday there is an important decision for parents in NRW out. After it is already clear how it works for School children will continue in the next few weeks, it must now be clarified whether the We-Fees for the last six months to be repaid.

NRW Family Minister Joachim Stamp (FDP) assumes that a repayment of the We-Fees is decided. So far, however, no decision has been published on the matter. The exact months for which the reimbursement would be approved is also currently unclear. We have summarized all information about the new Corona Protection Ordinance in NRW in one article for you.

Coronavirus ticker NRW: New measures for schools decided

Update: 6. Januar. Education Minister has one day after the new restrictions on contact and movement have been passed nationwide Yvonne Gebauer (FDP) on Wednesday (January 6th) the new measures for schools announced. Read what pupils have to be prepared for from Monday due to the coronavirus pandemic in North Rhine-Westphalia.

Corona summit: movement restrictions decided

Update: January 5, 6:46 p.m.. The Corona summit between Angela Merkel and the prime minister has just ended. In a speech, the Chancellor gave the new regulate known in dealing with the pandemic. These are the most important decisions for the next few weeks in NRW and Germany (at msl24.de * you also get a more detailed overview about the new coronavirus rules):

  • Lockdown: The lockdown will be extended until January 31st. This includes the closure of retail and catering.
  • schools: Schools and daycare centers in North Rhine-Westphalia and Germany will also remain closed until the end of January. Then it should start with a tier system in the educational institutions.
  • Contact restrictions: The rules for face-to-face meetings will be tightened. So far it has been possible to meet with five people from two households. Now only two people from different households are allowed.
  • Range of motion: If the incidence value of a city exceeds 200, a radius of movement applies. People are then only allowed to move within a radius of 15 kilometers around their home if there is no valid reason. This includes, for example, visits to the doctor.

New coronavirus rules: radius of movement should be restricted

Update: January 5, 3:26 p.m.. The Corona summit with Angela Merkel and the prime minister of the 16 federal states is still in full swing. The ones already mentioned seem to have the greatest need for discussion Perimeter restrictions to give. According to picture information, the originally planned restriction should have been moderated somewhat.

The weakened paper now reads: “In counties with a 7-day incidence of over 200 new infections per 100,000 inhabitants, the federal states will take further local measures in accordance with the Infection Protection Act, in particular for Limitation of the range of motion 15 km around the place of residence, unless there is a valid reason. Day trips are explicitly not a valid reason. ”In addition, the Corona summit discussed further restricting private meetings and thus tightening contact restrictions.

Merkel and Prime Minister advise at Corona summit: Are there now area restrictions?

Update: January 5, 2:16 p.m.. That the Lockdown will be extended beyond January 10th is already certain. But it is currently being discussed in politics whether the current ruling Corona restrictions still need to be tightened. Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) and the Prime Ministers of the federal states have been discussing this in a video conference since 2 p.m.

According to information from “Bild”, the meeting should be about so-called Perimeter restrictions to introduce citizens living in regions with a Incidence value over 200 live. A restriction from a radius of 15 kilometers around one’s own residence is being discussed. Such restrictions already apply in Saxony – there the incidence value of currently 330 is higher than anywhere else in Germany.

The districts in the Münsterland and East Westphalia Gutersloh (183), Herford (171), Minden-Lübbecke (167) as well as Warendorf (165) and Höxter (163) currently have some of the highest incidence values ​​in North Rhine-Westphalia. On Tuesday (January 5th) were in NRW 1969 New infections with the Coronavirus reported. In some cities in NRW there are currently curfews due to the corona situation.

Angela Merkel and Prime Minister agree on lockdown extension

Update: January 4, 12:27 p.m.. Now it seems to be clear: Die Coronavirus measures should extended will be – until 31 January. According to media reports, Chancellor Angela Merkel and the Prime Ministers of the federal states had already met before their joint conference, at the Corona summit on Tuesday (January 5) Lockdown extension can agree. Also NRW Prime Minister Armin Laschet (CDU) already assumed before New Year’s Eve that the lockdown would not be lifted on January 10, as he said in a television interview with “Westpol”.

According to research by the editorial network Germany (RND), the CDU-led federal states should be prepared for the Lockdown extension agreed by the end of January. Only two minister-presidents of the SPD should still oppose the project, which also from the Federal government am advocated. Meanwhile, there are already first developments in the question of opening up Schools in NRW and other corona measures. There will most likely not be a normal start to school after the Christmas holidays.

Coronavirus in North Rhine-Westphalia: Federal and state governments advise on lockdown extension

First report: January 4th, 10 a.m.. NRW – December 31st was the end of a busy year for many people. The Coronavirus made especially the residents of Germany’s most populous federal state NRW to accomplish. But of course the pandemic is far from over with the turn of the year.

Right at the beginning of the year, the familiar questions arise: Should it Lockdown be extended? What happens next with face-to-face teaching to the Schools in NRW? When do the new corona rules * apply? This is exactly what the Chancellor will do Angela Merkel (CDU) and deliberate the Prime Ministers of the federal states on Tuesday (January 5th). Most recently, there were curfews in many circles in NRW over the holidays *. So everything as usual? Not quite: After all, the vaccinations against the coronavirus are already running parallel to the discussions.

Coronavirus in NRW: Extension of the lockdown?

The deliberations between Angela Merkel and the heads of government will take place on Tuesday (January 5th). But the consensus seems clear: The Lockdown, which should last until January 10th, should be in NRW and all of Germany will be extended until at least the end of January. Especially Bavaria’s Prime Minister Markus Söder (CSU) clearly speaks out against early easing. Compared to Bild am Sonntag he said:

Any hasty easing would throw us back a long way. We have to be consistent and not give up too soon.

Markus Söder (CSU), Prime Minister of Bavaria

Minister of Health Jens Spahn (CDU) and NRW Prime Minister Armin Laschet (CDU) see the situation similarly, but were less specific in their statements. Also the Back to school, actually planned for January 11th, should be postponed. But there are different opinions on this question. A Corona rapid test center has now been set up in front of the engine shed in Bielefeld* so that people can quickly be tested for the coronavirus if necessary.

Coronavirus: Will the start of school in NRW be postponed?

Jens Spahn already expressed itself on the educational problem in times of Coronavirus and said he wanted that Daycare centers and schools “Better a week too long than too short” to conclude. The culture ministers of the federal states want to work out a concept on Monday (January 4th) which will Prime Minister and Angela Merkel should serve as a guide.

Meanwhile, the question of starting school in the Corona lockdown * seems to split the minds. So is Minister of Education Anja Karliczek (CDU) think that a Face-to-face teaching is “unimaginable” in the current situation, as she emphasized to the Funke media group. “We have to be prepared for the fact that the situation at the schools and the situation as a whole will remain difficult over the next few weeks,” continues Karliczek.

Coronavirus in NRW: Information about starting school only at short notice

NRW School Minister Yvonne Gebauer (FDP) makes in the question of the Face-to-face teaching During the coronavirus pandemic * more pressure: “We have to see that, depending on the number of infections, we can get back to regular school operations as quickly as possible with the highest possible proportion of face-to-face teaching.” , as she emphasized to the WDR.

Gebauer suspects that Schools and parent associations in North Rhine-Westphalia probably not be informed about the further procedure until Thursday (January 7th). The minister spoke out in favor of face-to-face teaching up to seventh grade, as well as final classes. For the years in between, Gebauer believes it is possible to switch between classroom teaching and digital teaching. (*Msl24.de, owl24.de and ruhr24.de are part of the Ippen-Digital network.)

List of rubric lists: © picture alliance / dpa / dpa Pool | Federico Gambarini

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