Home » today » Health » Coronavirus, three no-vax doctors from Trentino on “trial” by the Order. Ioppi: “We must guarantee the health of patients, vaccines are safe and effective”

Coronavirus, three no-vax doctors from Trentino on “trial” by the Order. Ioppi: “We must guarantee the health of patients, vaccines are safe and effective”

TRENTO. After the case of Trentino doctor of Borgo Valsugana which appeared in a video questioning the efficacy of vaccines, three other colleagues ended up in the Order’s crosshairs of the doctors of Trentino. “When we receive a report – explains the president Marco Ioppiwe have an obligation to start hearings to verify the information collected. Then you go to the medical commission where the positions of the reported doctors will be evaluated and if they are judged to be in conflict with the principles of the order code, measures will be taken “.

Therefore, the three doctors in question will have to be heard by the Medical Commission, made up of other colleagues, which will be called upon to comment on the merits. According to what was reconstructed and three non-vax doctors (members of the Trentino order but not all of them operate in the provincial territory), they were reported both by some patients and by professional bodies of other provinces because of their positions against vaccines.

“Our Code gives precise guidelines – underlines Ioppi – which dictate what should be the behaviors regarding each medical act and therefore also on vaccines. Vaccines are an indispensable tool for health protection e the doctor is required to promote the health of citizens. So, as long as the scientific evidence continues to show that vaccines are safe and effective tools, we must make them available to everyone to overcome the pandemic ”.

The positions of the doctors would be different: there would be chi suggests to patients that vaccines are not useful or even dangerous, but also those who, in addition to being reluctant to vaccinate patients, he declares against it, citing reasons in stark contrast to the scientific evidence. “Science is a field in constant evolution – states Ioppi – and we must be open to advances but this it does not mean questioning the evidence so far collections that tell us that vaccines are a useful, safe and effective tool to stop the pandemic, I would reduce deaths and serious complications. To argue otherwise is to be out of touch with reality. A citizen – concludes the president – can also be against it, but doctors have a specific task which is conferred by the Order and therefore they must guarantee the health of patients, otherwise they will be excluded ”.

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