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Coronavirus: The Xunta lifts restrictions in most of the A Coruña area | Radio Coruña

The Xunta de Galicia has raised the restrictions due to the coronavirus pandemic in most of the metropolitan area of ​​A Coruña. It maintains the limitations in several neighborhoods of A Coruña, while softening those that apply in the municipal term of Arteixo, according to today’s agreement of the clinical committee of experts.

The restrictions remain in the Agra do Orzán, O Ventorrillo, Sagrada Familia, Vioño, Sardiñeira and Os Mallos, which will have the same limitations that applied until now for the entire city. In other words, the meetings may not exceed 10 people, the capacity for shops and hotels will be 50 percent, the day centers will remain closed and visits to residences will not be allowed. In the rest of the city, these restrictions are lifted.

In the case of Arteixo, bars and cafes will be able to return to provide service inside the premises, with a maximum capacity of 50 percent and without being able to use the bar service. Since last August 29 they could only listen on the terrace. The limit of participants in meetings is increased from five to ten people.

This has been agreed by a meeting of the clinical committee of experts chaired this Wednesday by the president of the Xunta, Alberto Núñez Feijóo and that, among other things, has extended the obligation to use a mask to all gyms in the community and has increased the 50 to 75% maximum occupancy of terraces in restricted areas.

The mask in gyms

Specifically, experts have recommended extending the mandatory use of a protective mask at all times within gyms to all of Galicia, a measure that since last week was already active in those municipalities affected by restrictions, after detecting two outbreaks linked to this type of establishments -one in Santiago and another in Arteixo-.

Likewise, it will be allowed to increase from 50 to 75% the occupation of the terraces in those areas with special restrictions, where bar consumption is not allowed and the interior capacity of hotels, restaurants, commercial establishments or libraries, among others, must be limited to fifty%.

In this sense, the A Coruña City Council has decided extend until the end of January the permit for hotel and catering establishments to occupy parking spaces with their terraces.

In these areas, meetings on public roads or in hospitality establishments continue to be limited to a maximum of 10 people, in addition to reducing the capacity for celebrations, places of worship and wakes and maintaining the closure of day centers and visits to residences.

Judicial support

On the other hand, the Contentious-Administrative Court number 2 of A Coruña has ratified this Wednesday the restrictive measures of fundamental rights approved by the Xunta on September 2 in the municipalities of A Coruña, Arteixo, Cambre, Culleredo, Oleiros, Abegondo, Bergondo, Carral and Sada to face COVID-19. The Contentious-Administrative Court number 4 of A Coruña has also ratified the prevention measures as a result of the evolution of the epidemiological situation derived from the coronavirus in the municipalities of A Laracha and Carballo, in all cases related to the right to assembly .

The Tower of Hercules reopens its doors

The Hercules Tower of A Coruña has reopened its doors again after confirming that all the workers who serve in the Roman lighthouse have given negative in the tests PCR carried out after detecting a positive in coronavirus in the workforce in recent weeks.

Tourism of A Coruña points out through a statement that both the Tower of Hercules and the tourist services offices will reopen following the sanitary measures that existed until now.

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