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Coronavirus: The Xunta de Galicia maintains the bulk of the restrictions due to situations such as A Coruña | Radio Coruña

The Xunta de Galicia will not vary the bulk of the restrictions before some data that, for now, “do not offer sufficient improvement“According to the President of the Galician Government. Alberto Núñez Feijóo has appeared this morning after the meeting of the Clinical Committee. Feijóo stressed that the measures in force “have worked” and that therefore it has been decided to extend the bulk of them at least until next week. Nevertheless, The Xunta has approved some that will come into force this Wednesday and that affect students and merchants.

The shops will reopen from Wednesday in their hours prior to the restrictions, with the capacity limited to 50%; however, the closing of the shopping centers is maintained during the weekend. As well cultural activity is partially recovered, museums, theaters and cinemas, among others, may open with a capacity of 30%. In the sports field, federated activity is recovered, but the gymnasiums are closed. Face-to-face classes at the university are not made up until March 1.

Measures such as the opening of the hotel business or the possibility of meeting non-partners must wait at least one more week. Next Monday the 22nd the Clinical Committee will hold a new meeting to decide on the lifting of this and other restrictions.

This afternoon The Xunta will hold a first meeting with representatives of the hospitality sector to work on an opening protocol in safety conditions. This protocol aims to avoid a new total closure of the sector in the event of the possible arrival of a fourth wave.

The president of the Xunta has detailed these measures in an appearance in which he has insisted several times on the complicated situation that Galicia is still going through. Has highlighted that the British variant of the coronavirus is already the majority in our territory. This implies, according to Feijoo, a greater risk of the appearance of “explosive outbreaks” that affect more people in a shorter period of time.

The restrictions that are lifted as of next week will be made in the conditions that mark the situation of each health area. Right now the A Coruña-Cee Health Area is the one with the worst performance, with a gradual decrease in new cases but with a positivity that continues to be above the 5% recommended by the WHO. Admissions to the hospital maintain the so-called ‘situation 3’ in CHUAC.

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