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Coronavirus: the United States crosses the barrier of 80,000 deaths

The United States surpassed the 80,000 death mark linked to the new coronavirus on Monday, according to a count by Johns Hopkins University. next weeks.

The United States is, according to official reports, the country most affected in terms of both the number of deaths and the number of cases recorded (regardless of the size of its population). New York City alone accounts for a quarter of the deaths deplored, with nearly 20,000 deaths.

And the New York balance sheet could be underestimated by several thousand, warned Monday the American Centers for Disease Prevention and Control (CDC).

The milestone of 50,000 dead had been crossed two and a half weeks ago on April 24.

The United States is expected to reach 103,000 deaths by May 30, according to an average of 20 epidemiological models made by researchers at the University of Massachusetts.

For the first time since the beginning of April, the daily death toll recorded in the United States passed Sunday below 1,000 deaths, with 776 deaths deplored over 24 hours, according to figures from Johns Hopkins University. It is, however, too early to say whether this decline indicates a real trend.

If the epidemic is receding in New York, new outbreaks have appeared elsewhere, such as in the capital region of Washington, where the New York field hospital was transferred.

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