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Coronavirus, the terrible new symptom discovered post autopsies

Autopsies on COVID-19 victims uncovered how coronavirus caused blood clots everywhere


The further you go, the more information you buy on coronavirus, a new disease as we know and that is difficult to fully understand. With the studies that continue, more details are brought to light.

One of latest discoveries was made thanks to autopsy who revealed one suspicious presence in the bodies of the victims. It’s about blood clots which were not found only in the lungs, the organs most affected by the disease, but in the whole body of the victims.

The clots seem to spread throughout the body of people affected by the disease and specifically affect almost all organs according to a pathologist from New York University.

All this once again changes the cards on the table and indicates that coronavirus is not just a respiratory disease. If the clot theory were confirmed it would mean that the Covid-19 affects the whole body and aggressively.

Among the other related studies in the field, it has been underlined that the brain is also affected by the virus causing many risks.

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Coronavirus, the effects and new discoveries

Coronavirus and autopsy

On new discoveries made on the subject of coronavirus the doctor said Erin Burnett which clearly stated how the outcome was somewhat dramatic. Blood clots were found in almost all organs examined during autopsies.

We found them in the heart, kidneys, liver and other organs – he said – Particularly in the heart, megakaryocytes produce something called platelets which are intimately involved in blood clotting. “

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And this is evidenced by the fact that people who were heavily affected by the virus not only did not immediately recover but their bodies came out heavily debilitated. These and other testimonies show that coronavirus is a much more dangerous disease than you think.

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