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Coronavirus: the suspension of visiting rooms in Grasse prison triggers a mutiny, shots are fired

The climate is also tightening in prisons, as the government announces new measures to try to stem the progression of the coronavirus epidemic in France.

A mutiny broke out Tuesday, mid-morning, at the prison in Grasse, in the Alpes-Maritimes.

A hundred prisoners who were in two driveways committed violence, following the announcement of the suspension of visiting rooms until March 30, we learned from a union source.

Warning shots

“Detainees broke access doors to promenade courses and regrouped in intermediate areas”, said Philippe Abime, FO prison delegate in the Alpes-Maritimes.

“They lit small fires and threw stones at the supervisors. Four warning shots were carried out”, said the unionist.

“The incidents are over”, indicated the prison administration at the beginning of the afternoon, specifying that only fences were deteriorated.

“All detainees have returned to their cells”, confirmed at 2:15 pm, the union FO prison. A supervisor was hit by a projectile, but there were no injuries among the detainees.

The regional response and security team (ERIS 13) was dispatched to the site. The Grasse prison has 673 detainees for 574 places.

The trigger: restricted visits to the visiting room

This mutiny in Grasse is reminiscent of those which took place in Italian prisons only a few days ago, causing the death of ten detainees.

The revolt was sparked by concern over the coronavirus epidemic and the cancellation of visiting rooms for families. The measures taken by the Keeper of the Seals Nicole Belloubet fall under the same intention.

Due to the risk of spreading the virus, the government announced Tuesday the complete suspension of visits to the visiting room, effective March 18 for 15 days. Main link with their loved ones and outside life, this cancellation of visits is undoubtedly the measure that most affects detainees.

Climate under stress in prison

In addition, there are other protective measures inside the prison establishment. What to add to the extreme climate of tension that settles in prison, alert unions.

If outdoor walks and sports activities have been maintained “with the necessary facilities”, the same is not true in confined spaces. Sociocultural, sporting and teaching activities have been suspended, “to minimize internal movements as much as possible.”

Suffice to say that these restrictions do not fail to add to prison malaise.

According to Jessy Zagari, regional delegate FO Penitentiary, “you can expect disproportionate reactions. Some detainees are not even aware of what is going on outside.”

“Prison officials expect very difficult weeks and the requisition of the state,” said the FO delegate.

The interregional directorate of penitentiary establishments (DISP) of Provence Alpes Côte d´Azur and Corsica, says for its part “be able to fulfill the essential mission of maintaining public order “, as well as “continuity of service within establishments”.

What awaits us is not confinement at home, but confinement in prison.

To replace the agents who stayed at home for reasons of childcare, or promiscuity with fragile relatives, surveillance personnel will be requisitioned, says the DISP.

“We are ready to provide our public service,” confirms Jessy Zagary. “The officers are going back to their rest time. Everyone is aware of the situation, what awaits us is not confinement at home, but in prison”.

Union demands for understaffing have been recurring for years. “We will be asked more, at constant resources …”.

The ministerial notes fall gradually. The situation is unprecedented. No cases of coronavirus were detected in penal establishments in the region. Which is already reassuring for the prison population.

However, the extreme situation experienced in Italian prisons last week did not benefit from any feedback, the unions deplore.

“Our directions are cautious. No one has dared to broach the subject”, says the FO delegate.

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