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Coronavirus, the Russian vaccine “protects for two years”. But a doctor resigns in protest

The protective properties of the Russian vaccine against coronavirus they will be intact for at least two years after its administration. This was stated by the director of the Gamaleya National Research Center for Epidemiology and Microbiology of the Russian Ministry of Health, Alexander Gintsburg. “The period of effectiveness of the vaccine, its protective properties will not last for a short time but for at least two years,” he said in an interview on the Russia-1 television channel. Tass reports it.

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Meanwhile the Daily Mail reports the news of the resignation of Professor Alexander Chuchalin from the ethics committee of the Russian health ministry. The reason the respiratory disease expert left office is related to his opposition to the new drug Sputnik V. Chuchalin was against registering on the drug, riding the wave of Western skepticism about it. to the announcement of Prime Minister Putin in recent days. Chuchalin accused the two main doctors involved in the vaccine’s development of breaking medical ethics in order to get the medicine into production.

In Russia, 5,057 new cases of coronavirus have been confirmed in the last 24 hours, updating the total number of infected people to 907,758. The Moscow health authorities report, explaining that in the last 24 hours 124 people have lost their lives from complications related to the infection, updating the deceased to 15,384.

Last updated: 15:42 © REPRODUCTION RESERVED

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