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Coronavirus, the Regions: doing more Conte resists pressing

We are at war, we must close everything, insists Salvini. More could be done, Fontana complains. With the fear of contagion political controversy is rekindled and social tension rises, many workers are in revolt and spontaneous strikes go off. Workers, pharmacists and shop assistants protest. Fim, Fiom, Uilm want to close all the metalworking factories until March 22nd. But Conte pulls straight and does not open to modifications of the latest decree, with which he armored Italy. Calm and cold-blooded, the premier’s motto even in the most dramatic hours of recent history. At 11 am Conte will connect by videoconference from Palazzo Chigi with industrial associations and unions to discuss how to implement safety protocols in factories. There will be ministers Gualtieri, Speranza, Catalfo and Patuanelli and the most divisive dossiers are public transport and factories still open. “We listened to the territories – the line that the Minister of Regional Affairs, Francesco Boccia, agreed with the head of the executive – If the governors want to close other factories, as long as they have no references with the health and agri-food supply chains, the government will not say no, but they will have to take on their responsibilities.

The request for extraordinary layoffs

The decree with which Conte closed half of Italy at home, to try everything against coronavirus, therefore it will not change. Pharmacies and supermarkets will not close, the premier’s response to those who blow on the fire and divide Italy into “citizens of series A and series B.” At the indication of the Regions, the government will evaluate which companies can close the gates. In Lombardy, one more step must be taken – spurs the mayor of Bergamo, Giorgio Gori – In the decree there is no stop to companies and in too many workplaces unsecured safety. After the confrontation with the Regions and the Civil Protection, Boccia announces the guidelines with which the government will protect all workers. Conte will announce them today, after having illustrated them to the social partners. The president of Lombardy, Attilio Fontana, sent new requests to Palazzo Chigi to improve the decree.

The most urgent the public transport, which all the mayors of Lombardy would like to remodel. Piedmont led by Alberto Cirio asked for a close on public parks and reported to Conte the inconsistencies of the decree: Why are the laundries open ?. And from Campania the governor Enzo De Luca invokes the army against illegal gatherings and illegal street vendors. Almost ready on decree containing aid to businesses and families. Because entrepreneurs are not forced to lay off there will be, announces Stefano Patuanelli (Development), extraordinary layoffs in derogation that will have multi-billion dollar financing.

In the draft decree with the economic measures there are also incentives for companies to produce masks, a bonus of 500 euros for 2020 for “family carers” who assist non self-sufficient people and sick pay for forced workers in the private sector to observe a period of quarantine. Another important rule concerns the possibility, for the head of the Civil Protection, to have the requisition of medical and medical-surgical aids and other assets, even private ones, which can be used to implement the number of specialized beds. Finally, the Revenue Agency has suspended the obligations related to the liquidation, control, assessment, collection, tax litigation activities, unless they are about to expire.

March 12, 2020 (change March 13, 2020 | 00:09)


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