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Coronavirus. “The problem is not the beaches”, underlines this Rennes infectiologist

Reopen the beaches? Voices, elected officials from the coast, inhabitants, associations, sportspeople, skippers, are more and more to claim it. Many denounce a “Parisian” vision of deconfinement, in which the beaches would necessarily be crowded and visited by tourists.

“The problem is not the beaches, recalls Matthieu Revest, professor at the University of Rennes 1, infectious disease specialist, and medical manager for emerging infectious diseases at the Rennes University Hospital. There is no more danger on beaches than anywhere else and the decision to close them is not medical. The risk is that, by reopening them, the authorities fear that they will find many people there and that social distancing can no longer be applied to them. “

“The disease is scary”

But can not the principle of reason apply? The Breton beaches are not Biarritz and walkers have plenty of room to cross paths at a good distance. “I know the Breton coast well and there are beaches where I am sure I can walk without anyone next to it, that’s true”, admits Matthew Revest. But the infectious disease specialist insists: “Social distancing remains essential at least for several weeks”.

He is also not worried about the gradual deconfinement from May 11. “The majority of people will remain attentive to barrier gestures. The disease is scary, it must not be forgotten. “

“People wonder and will pay attention”

For him, all the measures he sees taking place in schools, shops, businesses, contribute “To keep up the pressure and allow everyone to become aware of the issue. All these questions that we hear from right to left, it shows, precisely, that people are asking questions and that they will pay attention. I’m pretty optimistic about people’s civility. “

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