Home » today » Health » Coronavirus: The one who invented COVID-19 is a genius who decided to rule the world, leading to collapse – Free Press

Coronavirus: The one who invented COVID-19 is a genius who decided to rule the world, leading to collapse – Free Press

January 30, 2020, when there were only 150 cases of infection reported outside of China by WHO, the Director-General of WHO Tedros announced a pandemic of the coronavirus known as COVID-19. This pandemic statement – unjustifiable – has devastating consequences for the entire world population and global socio-economic structure. The globe is literally closed. Until what time no one knows. But the last date put forward by the president TrumpThis is April 12, 2020. It can be taken for granted that this date will have global significance. The world as a whole is dancing to the tune of the United States.

About ten days ago, Mr. Trump said that this “situation” was enough and that it was time to resume the economy. He is a business man and knows better than many. He proposed returning to work on March 30. Then – this is only my assumption – he must have received instructions from his superiors that it takes more time to prepare a sinister plan, which is now being developed. Thus, he moved the day back to normal by two weeks.

The COVID-19 coronavirus has a catastrophic effect on the world, on its population, on its economy and, most importantly, on the livelihoods of about a quarter of the world’s population. It is already on the verge or beyond of vulnerability and dependence. Without work — even casual, hourly, or daily work to earn money to buy food — people are doomed to die from illness, starvation, or total neglect. Their disappearance will go unnoticed. They are not people.

This pandemic fake is imposed on almost every country of the 193 UN member states. It is a “fake,” because when a pandemic was announced, outside of China, a population of 6.4 billion people had only 150 cases of infection. This is not a pandemic, even with the most unbridled flight of fantasy. It should be noted that this decision was made by the World Economic Forum (WEF) in Davos (January 21-24, 2020) behind closed doors as a completely non-medical and political body. This was attended by Dr. Tedros, Director-General of WHO, who, for the first time in the history of WHO, was not a doctor himself.

The short, medium, and long-term consequences of this decision will have a dimension that no one is able to understand at present. It can lead to such a change in the paradigm of our life and the life of society, which humanity has not experienced in the last 200 years or more.

In Germany, honest scientists begin to move, they confront the authorities, providing them with facts. Dr. Suharit Bhakdi, Emeritus Professor of Medical Microbiology at Johannes Gutenberg University in Mainz, sent an open letter to the Chancellor of Germany Angela Merkel, which calls for an urgent reassessment of the response to Covid-19, asking the Chancellor five important questions.

What about China, you may ask? China is a special case. Virologists in Wuhan discovered very early that what was originally called 2019-nKoV (WHO renamed it COVID-19) was nothing more than a more powerful mutation of the SARS virus that hit Hong Kong and China in 2002-2003 and killed 774 people worldwide. Since the SARS virus was specifically created for the Chinese genome, a Chinese scientist discovered that his new and stronger mutation was also focused on Chinese DNA.

China also knew that since it was a laboratory virus, since it came from outside – probably from the USA, which are waging an economic war against China. A deadly virus can be an ideal – and invisible – tool to weaken China and its economy. Therefore, without hesitation, China quarantined the vast territories of the country, and then proceeded to a complete blockade. Thanks to this fast reaction of the chairman Si and nationwide discipline, China now controls COVID-19, and the country’s economy is recovering fast.

It is like a global coup d’état carried out by an invisible “dark deep state.” Some selected countries impose curfews and even house arrests for everyone – not with weapons or bombs, not with tanks on the streets and police repressive forces, but with the help of an invisible tiny enemy, a microscopic virus. Can you imagine that? Invented is just a genius. Control the world with a virus. He must be given his due. 0.01% of the population put 99.99% of the population on their knees and forced to ask for mercy. Begging for vaccinations, not knowing about the cocktail of substances that this malicious dark force wants to enter into your body. “Please bring us the vaccines! ” People will run out into the streets – when it will be allowed again – to offer their hands and bodies to everyone who comes with a syringe.

Injections can be harmful sterilizing agents that can cause long-term neurological damage – damage that can be passed on to future generations. They may contain DNA-manipulating proteins – agents that reduce life. Injections can also contain an electronic nanochip that will track all personal data – from medical records to bank accounts. In a state of complete despair, people are not interested in knowing anything. They just want to get rid of fear and sleep peacefully again at night.

This human-made pandemic outbreak is not new. Of course, the mainstream media does not mention that the COVID-19 coronavirus was produced in the laboratory (like SARS, MERS, H1N1, swine flu, Ebola, Zika and many others), and that outbreaks in the past and now are focused on specific population groups. In fact, in the infamous Plan for a New American Century (PNAC), which is still very much alive; its 2000 update on p. 60 mentions that future wars may not be fought with conventional or nuclear weapons, but with invisible substances, biological weapons, and viruses. They are more effective than conventional weapons and do not destroy infrastructure.

This new “crown” is a new bonanza for Big Farm. It was planned for years and used the 2009 swine flu outbreak and the H1N1 virus. This went on for about a year – from April 2009 to April 2010. According to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), about 12,500 people died from swine flu in the United States, and around 300,000 died worldwide. Unlike COVID-19, the vast majority, about 80%, infected with the H1N1 virus were younger than 65 years old.

Then, as today, WHO announced a pandemic. For the pharmaceutical industry, this has become a green signal for vaccine production. Big Pharma promised it could produce 4.9 billion H1N1 flu vaccines. As a result, the industry has provided millions of doses to governments that had not been used by the time they arrived, since the flu had passed by then. Taxpayers paid billions in vain. Because seasonal flu mutates from year to year, storing vaccines is useless. What have some governments done? Listen to this! They sent them to Africa as development assistance. Where the vaccines, of course, were completely useless.

Today we are again faced with a tireless, propaganda machine working around the clock and seven days a week, which spreads fear and anxiety about an invisible virus. An enemy that the population does not see. An enemy that cannot be traced. For example, to understand how it is distributed – or not distributed. An enemy about whom people simply have to believe the authorities that it exists. How clever! Advocacy and fear are enough to conquer the population of the whole world in a few weeks.

For example, a new study by the University of Oxford concluded that COVID-19 is likely to exist in the UK since January 2020, and that at the same time, about half of the UK population was infected and thus immunized against this virus. Most people have no symptoms or only lungs. This will mean that only about 1 out of 1000 infected people should be hospitalized, which corresponds to the usual flu or lower.

American doctor and founding director of Yale University’s Prevention Research Center David Katz notes: “I am deeply concerned that the social, economic and state-administrative consequences of this almost complete collapse of normal life – the closure of schools and enterprises, forbidden meetings – will be long-term and catastrophic, perhaps even more serious than the direct damage from the virus itself. The stock market will rebound over time, and many enterprises will never. Unemployment, impoverishment and despair are likely to be disasters of the highest class for public health. ”

None of those who fueled the pandemic panic seem to have a clear idea of ​​the big picture. Government officials around the world are co-opted. They follow orders. They know what they must do, otherwise … This is an important step towards a gigantic change in the social paradigm in the interests of the Kingdom of the New World Order (RIGHT NOW).

On a positive note …

Darkness is followed by light. This is the universal law of nature. And as they say, each dark cloud has a silver lining. Could it be that this low-intensity jerking of the world can have a rejuvenating effect? A significant part of the polluting industrial enterprises has been destroyed, and now comes a healthier, oxygenated air. Air and water are in a constant cycle. They move fast and endlessly. Even a short break in mockery of nature can lead to vivid results, which, in turn, can cause changes in human behavior. And a whole new ecological reality may appear.

The trees breathe again, the ocean begins to rebuild its ever-moving marine life, the heavy industrial pipes emitting carbon dioxide have stopped doing this – the sky has become bluer, the grass is greener, and the birds are singing joyfully again. Dream? Some of this may have already begun. Perhaps there will be some people who will awaken in this new potentially cleaner, healthier and safer environment, in a world of smiles, where light is reflected, which is gradually replacing darkness. New, clean and safe forms of life can be born and come into the world. Surely we do not know this. But we hope so. The dynamics are unpredictable, but endless.

We, humanity, have the spiritual ability to abandon the trajectory of the disaster of Western neoliberal capitalism and instead support solidarity, compassion and love for each other, for our society and for Mother Earth, nourishing a new era of Light.

Author: Peter Koenig – Peter Koenig – Researcher, Center for Research on Globalization [CRG], Montreal, Canada), an economist and geopolitical analyst, previously worked at the World Bank. He lectures at universities in the USA, Europe and South America. His articles are published in publications such as Global Research, ICH, RT, Sputnik, PressTV, The 4th Media (China), TeleSUR, The Vineyard of The Saker Blog and other resources.

Published with permission of the author.

Transfer Sergey Dukhanov.

Copyright © Peter Koenig, 2020

Coronavirus, pandemic, breaking news:

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In Ukraine, the Minister of Health was replaced

See the map of the distribution of coronavirus online

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