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Coronavirus. The mayor of Saint-Jouin-Bruneval wants “drive-in” cinemas during the summer

What will be the cultural offer this summer in the midst of deconfinement? Many festivals have already been canceled, as is the case in Le Havre with Moz’aïque. Others are looking forward to an improvement in the health situation in the coming months. Demonstrations of more than 5,000 people will however be banned until the end of August 2020.

The Ministry of Culture, for its part, has created a support unit to respond to event professionals. On the Le Havre Seine Métropole urban community, it’s François Aubert, the mayor of Saint-Jouin Bruneval, who has just taken the initiative, putting forward an original idea: offering outdoor cinema in the form of drive in for the inhabitants of the territory.

A policy to implement

He has just written a letter on this subject to Jean-Baptiste Gastinne, the president of the Urban Community and mayor of Le Havre. The formula has the advantage of being able to offer a movie night while staying in your car. Codah several years ago (([NDA : Communauté de l’agglomération havraise] had set up the “Canvas film” operation. This demonstration allowed residents to attend free outdoor screenings. We could imagine extending this event to the territory of the urban community and to adapt the projections to containment measures to offer cinema in drive in. This is something that has been practiced for many years in the United States. With the Covid-19 crisis, other countries seem to be interested in the formula. This is the case for South Korea and Germany. In Italy, the Bologna Cinematheque evokes the hypothesis of a drive in to replace the outdoor screenings that are traditionally scheduled during the summer season. In France, the organizers of the Cabourg Romantic Film Festival are thinking about screening films from the Golden Swanns selection 2020 in a cinema drive in… The looming summer may not be very fun for the locals. With the deconfinement, people go back to work, the children will go back to school soon. But what will be the cultural offer in our territory ? What place will it take ? In my opinion, we will have to find solutions, be inventive “, explains the mayor of Saint-Jouin-Bruneval.

“We can’t do things on our own”

For the chosen one, the system of drive in is easy to implement. It would also be inexpensive, he said. He also puts forward the idea of ​​a program aimed at showing French films. ” Associations like Papa’s Production in Le Havre have expertise in outdoor projection. Why not work with them … “, suggests the mayor.

More generally, François Auber believes that the establishment of a real cultural policy on the recently formed Urban Community is a real necessity. “ This offer does not exist today. Culture must be accessible to all municipalities, things must be interactive on the territory. You can’t do things on your own. It has to be consistent … We also have to look at projects related to mobility. On all these subjects, the Urban Community must be able to have a real vision …

In his commune of Saint-Jouin-Bruneval, François Auber was forced, due to a health crisis, to simply cancel the holding of his night market, an event which receives an average of 25,000 visitors and which is organized each year the first weekend in August. We also had to cancel the inauguration of the slipway that was scheduled for this summer …

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