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Coronavirus, the latest news from Italy and the world

In Italy, since the beginning of the Coronavirus epidemic, at least 183,957 people have contracted the Sars-CoV-2 virus (2729 more than yesterday, for a 1.5% growth; yesterday the growth had been more contained, of 2,256 cases). Of these, 24,648 have died (here the latest bulletin of the Civil Protection). According to the latest data from Johns Hopkins University, there are more than 2.5 million cases worldwide, with over 170 thousand deaths (here the global map of the infection).

1.10 am – Cura Italia: amendments rejected, text does not change
None of the amendments to Cura Italia submitted to the Budget Committee in the Chamber have been approved. The text therefore remains the one passed with confidence in the Senate. The measure expected today in the Chamber in Montecitorio for the final go-ahead. Throughout the day, the government, majority and opposition sought agreement on some of the center-right amendments, but in the end no convergence points were found.

Wednesday, 00.22 – Trump: Twenty states ready to reopen, light at the end of the tunnel
I see a light at the end of the tunnel. I see a lot of light at the bottom of the coronavirus tunnel. Donald Trump says this when speaking of 20 American states that have already announced their plans to safely reopen their economies.

11.13 pm – Ok US Senate at 484 billion funds for SMEs
Senate go-ahead for $ 484 billion in aid for American small and medium-sized businesses and hospitals. The measure now passes to the chamber, where it should be voted on Thursday. The approved funds go to finance the Payckek Protection Program, the plan for SMEs previously approved and which in a few days registered the exhaustion of the 350 billion previously allocated.

22.28 – Di Maio: Conte will fight with all his strength in Europe
We are facing one of the most important negotiations in our history. I know the value and determination of President Giuseppe Conte well and I am sure that in Europe we will fight with all our strength. Let’s not lose sight of the goal. Let’s defend Italy. Foreign Minister Luigi Di Maio writes on Facebook, two days after the European Council on the response to the crisis triggered by the coronavirus.

20.37 – Over 43 thousand dead in the US
In the USA coronavirus deaths exceeded 43 thousand (43,200 to be exact) while the positive cases are over 800 thousand (804,194). These are the latest data from Johns Hopkins University.

20.16 – Mes: Zingaretti, without conditions s fund
Italy has achieved a great victory: the possibility of taking many billions, about 37, without conditionality and without renouncing sovereignty, to be spent on health. If this is the case, I believe we will have to access these funds because we must not ideologize. We are asking the EU for more help and if there are changes why should we not evaluate them with serenity ?. So Nicola Zingaretti at Martedi ‘responding to those who ask him about the Mes

7.14 pm – USA, agreement for another 500 billion aid
An agreement has been found in the US for approximately another $ 500 billion in aid in the coronavirus emergency. Cnn reports it. Much of the money goes to small and medium-sized businesses affected by the crisis, but funds are also provided for hospitals, states and testing. A first vote scheduled in the Senate today at 4pm (10pm in Italy).

19.10 – Pregnant woman recovered with plasma treatment
Thanks to two bags of hyperimmune plasma, taken from healed patients, a pregnant woman of the second daughter defeated the coronavirus at the Mantua hospital. According to the Mantua Asst, there are no other cases of pregnant women affected by Covid-19 treated and cured with the infusion of the blood component in the world. Pamela Vincenzi, 28 years old, hospitalized on April 9 following the Covid path dedicated to pregnancy, had worsened in 24 hours and had been transferred to Pulmonology.

18:55 – Gb, Parliament adopts plan for videoconference meetings
The House of Commons approved the plan to carry out parliamentary work with a hybrid format, i.e. 50 deputies in the classroom in Westminster duly spaced and another 120 in rotation (out of 650) connected remotely via the Zoom platform. The plan was approved without a formal vote being required. The new format will be used initially until 12 May but may be extended according to needs.

18:53 – Volunteer doctor dies, the balance rises to 142
Manuel Efrain Perez, hospital doctor, then volunteer the last doctor who fell in Italy in the war on the coronavirus, according to the updated bulletin of the Fnomceo (National Federation of Orders of surgeons and dentists). The total of deceased white coats thus rises to 142.

18.30 – Vaccine, from Thursday in Gb test on man
The first experimental human tests for the coronavirus vaccine supported by the British government and currently being studied by the team of researchers at the University of Oxford will start on Thursday. Matt Hancock, health minister at the Downing Street press conference on the emergency today announced it. Press conference in which Hancock underlined the still high number of deaths in the Kingdom and insisted on the need to continue with the lockdown for now.

18 hours – In Italy 183,957 cases and 24,648 deaths
In Italy, since the beginning of the Coronavirus epidemic, at least 183,957 people have contracted the Sars-CoV-2 virus (2729 more than yesterday, for a 1.5% growth; yesterday the growth had been more contained, of 2,256 cases). Of these, 24,648 have died (here the latest bulletin of the Civil Protection).

5.39 pm – Centeno: no troika, Mes operational in 2 weeks
Contrary to the old credit line, the current one of the Mes not linked to country-specific conditionalities and there is no stigma, there is no troika: Eurogroup President Mario Centeno said it during the hearing at the commission with the EU Parliament. Once we have the leadership mandate, we will try to get it up and running within two weeks. The only requirement to incur direct and indirect expenses for health, care and prevention is a broad enough definition for countries to cover up to 2% of the GDP available from the credit line.

5.29 pm – 30-year BTP rate rises to 3%, one month’s top
The 30-year BTP rate rises again and touches 3.02%. the highest level for a month.

5.29 pm – Great Britain, soaring deaths: +823 deaths in 24 hours
In Britain, a new surge in coronavirus deaths: another 823 deaths have been recorded in the last 24 hours bringing the total to 17,337. almost double the 449 of yesterday. There are 129,044 infections from Covid-19 in the country.

17.06 – Over 2.5 million cases worldwide
There are over 2,500,000 coronavirus cases worldwide according to data from John Hopkins University.

16.55 – Stock Exchange, the spread between BTP and Bund flies to 260
The spread between BTP and Bund rises to 260 basis points with the 10-year Italian yield at 2.12%.

16.53 – USA, almost 2,000 positives in an Ohio prison
An Ohio prison is becoming the largest coronavirus outbreak in the United States: 109 employees and 1828 prisoners (three quarters of the state’s prison population) tested positive at the Marion Correctional Institution. In total, there are 2400 cases in prison in Ohio and 244 among staff, or 20% of the total.

16.20 – Berlin, mandatory mask on bus and metro
Berlin, like the majority of the other German states, makes the mask mandatory to get on public transport from April 27. This was announced by Mayor Michael Mueller. The measure is necessary, he explained, because it is not possible to guarantee the distance of a few meters between people. Ten out of the 16 regional states have decided to adopt this obligation.

16.06 – Bonetti offers: 500 euros per family for the holidays
I proposed a 500 euro bonus per family to spend on holidays in Italy. It serves families, especially with minors. It serves the world of tourism: a small breath of oxygen for an industry on its knees. This was written by the Minister for Equal Opportunities and the Family Elena Bonetti who retweeted the proposal of the President of the Deputies of Italy Viva Maria Elena Boschi.

3.48 pm – Sweden, death toll: 185 in 24 hours
Sweden reported the highest number of victims in 24 hours, 185, from coronavirus. In total, 1,765 deaths, over 15,300 infected. Despite this, the authorities continue to keep the country substantially open, relying on the responsibility of citizens to respect social distancing.

3:44 pm – Trump orders a plan for funds to oil companies
Donald Trump orders the Department of Energy and the Treasury Department to develop a plan to make funds available to oil and gas companies. Trump announced it in a tweet.

15:41 – Government, law is needed for the App
Authorization to use a contact tracing App to combat coronavirus will take place through a rule of primary rank, that is, a law or a decree converted into law by Parliament. The government has assured the majority and the opposition.

15:36 – Wall Street opens in sharp decline, Dow 30 -2.22%
Wall Street opens the session in sharp decline, weighed down by the new collapse in oil prices. The Dow 30 marks a drop of 2.22% to 23.125 points and the Nasdaq of 1.02% to 8,473.

15:35 – Johnson is preparing to return, called with Trump
British Prime Minister Boris Johnson is preparing to return to work, gradually resuming matters on the government table. In the afternoon, he reported SkyNews, will have a phone call with the American President, Donald Trump, while a hearing, also via telephone, with the Queen Elizabeth II who turns 94 today, for the first time in three weeks. The premier continues his recovery in Checkers where he has resided since leaving the hospital where he remained hospitalized for a week for the coronavirus, and not formally at work for the government, said his spokesman in Downing Street, specifying for what Johnson has already taken up contacts with some world leaders as well as with his ministers and advisers: He receives updates from Downing Street on the response to the coronavirus and spoke with the first secretary of state Raab and exponents of his team.

15:22 – Count: Distances and masks until there is no vaccine
On the health response, the government has developed a five-point strategy. The former maintain and enforce social distancing, promote widespread use of personal protective equipment until therapy and vaccine are available. This was said by Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte in the Senate report with a view to the European Council.

15:17 – Gb, in hospitals surge in death
The death toll from coronaviruses in British hospitals has surged in the past 15 days.

3:04 pm – Serie A is compacted by shooting, deliberates unanimously
The Serie A League is compacted to complete the season, with a resolution also approved by clubs such as Turin and Brescia against the recovery. As stated in a note, the assembly confirmed, with the unanimous vote of all twenty companies connected in video conference, the intention to complete the 2019-2020 sports season, if the government allows it to take place in full compliance with health and safety regulations. And from UEFA comes the recommendation to end the season. (Here the article)

14:56 – China to Merkel: Always transparent and responsible
China has always been transparent and accountable for Covid-19 issues and has always been active in global cooperation against the pandemic. Foreign Ministry spokesman Geng Shuang said this in response to German Chancellor Angela Merkel that Beijing should be as transparent as possible about the genesis of the coronavirus. China has always strengthened international cooperation on epidemiological prevention in an open, transparent and responsible way, he added. Geng, at a press conference, added that China and Germany had a close communication on the virus prevention and control work, sharing information and experiences with each other. On the origin of the virus, Geng said that China has stressed many times that it is a scientific problem that should be studied by scientists and professionals.

2.29 pm – Turkey, over 90 thousand cases: China has also been overcome
According to Johns Hopkins University, Turkey has had 90,980 cases and 2,140 deaths since the start of the pandemic, even surpassing China by the number of people infected.

14.19 – Sala, support is needed or we will have a problem paying wages
I can only ask for financial support. At the moment we do it but it is obvious that passing the months we would be in difficulty to pay wages too: the mayor of Milan Giuseppe Sala explained to the microphones of the TgR Lombardia, talking about the changes in the city, in particular the transport in Phase 2 to exit ‘epidemic.

14:11 – Lamorgese: Foreigners amnesty? Not for 600 thousand
Minister of the Interior Luciana Lamorgese confirmed that the government is planning to proceed with a regularization of foreigners in the hearing in the Chamber: I felt with Minister Bellanova, we are working together – said Lamorgese – not in terms of 600 thousand, but it would be limited to the agricultural sector. The problem that arises is that of collection, we must bring out those who work illegally also for safety reasons. We will then see – Lamorgese explained – if there will be a regulatory provision. Now we are under discussion. There is talk of regularizing not all the irregular ones present, but those who serve and with rules. Someone, he continued, also spoke of domestic workers and carers, but a certain line with the other ministers has not yet been defined.

13.26 – Upb: GDP drop never seen, first half -15%
For Italy, a decline in economic activity of exceptional intensity, never recorded in the history of the Republic, is expected for the first half of the year: in the first two quarters of 2020, GDP would decrease cumulatively by about fifteen percentage points. the UPB estimate in the April economic note. In the event of a recession of the epidemic, the activity would return to expand in the summer quarter. Maximum caution is needed in evaluating estimates that are affected by extremely high uncertainty.

13.25 – Leonardo, Cyber-attacks alarm, Covid-19 new bait
The Covid-19 emergency is increasingly the bait used by cyber criminals (with false maps on the spread of the virus, for example) and the target of new cyber attacks: pharmaceutical companies, fundraisers, medical structures at risk health. The alarm in a report by Leonardo that, among its solidarity initiatives, offers cyber security services to one hundred companies: the Security Operation Centers of Chieti and Bristol have counted in two months 230,000 coronavirus-themed malspam campaigns in the world, on 6 % to Italy.

13.14 – Rezza: On the beach only with spacing
If the epidemiological situation confirms the current improvement trend, then it is hoped that the Italians can go on vacation, but in this case one could go to the beach and the sea only by scrupulously respecting the social distancing. The director of the Infectious Diseases Department of the Higher Institute of Health Gianni Rezza calls for caution: To talk about holidays still a little early – he says – and necessary caution. (Here the insight)

13.07 – Iss: dangerous online traffic of drugs
There is an active illegal drug market that is exploiting the emergency to make money on the health and fear of the population, as shown by social media monitoring to detect misleading news, audio and video. To warn a report published on the portal of the Istituto Superiore di Sanit, which summarizes in 10 points the most important information on the use of drugs for Covid. The risk of taking falsified medicines which may contain toxic substances which may worsen the clinical condition.

13.04 – Nas, 390 thousand irregular masks seized
390 thousand masks, and 57 thousand sanitizing products, seized, because they are irregular, by the Carabinieri Nas as part of the controls implemented: in the last few days, blocked irregular masks would have yielded an illicit gain of over 660 thousand euros.

12.59 pm – Spain, the running of the bulls of Pamplona is canceled
Canceled the celebrations of San Fermin in Pamplona, ​​scheduled for July, where the bull race usually attracts tens of thousands of tourists.

12.53 pm – Unwto, travel restrictions for 96% of destinations
As of April 6, 96% of all destinations in the world have introduced travel restrictions in response to the pandemic. About 90 destinations have completely or partially closed the borders to tourists, while another 44 are closed to certain tourists depending on the country of origin. It emerges from a report by Unwto, a specialized agency of the United Nations for tourism, which in recent years has regularly monitored travel facilitation and observed a continuous trend towards greater openness. Covid-19 has stopped all this.

12.47 pm – A retired pediatrician died: 141 doctors among the victims
The death toll in Italy rises to 141. The fallen list of the Fnomceo (National Federation of Orders of Surgeons and Dentists) is extended by a new name: Silvio Marsili, a retired pediatrician.

12.46 pm – Singapore extends the lockdown until June 1: 1,111 cases
Singapore extends anti-Covid measures from May 4 to June 1: what Premier Lee Hsien Loong announced about the partial lockdown of the city, known as the circuit breaker, which provides for a temporary stop to schools and many workplaces. Today another 1,111 have been reported for a total of 9,125. For the second day in a row above 1,000, after yesterday’s 1,426 records. The latest infections are mainly related to outbreaks in the dormitories of foreign construction workers.

12.20 – Arcuri: The alternative to the app does not lighten the measures. Masks? Closed topic, we have reservations
Commissioner Domenico Arcuri, in a press conference at the Civil Defense, explained that contact tracing (carried out through the “Immuni” app) is a way to ensure that contacts are known and tracked in some way, contacts that can be used to contain the spread of the virus. All over the world, lightening containment means being able to promptly map people’s contacts; the alternative would be not to lighten the measures, depriving us of important shares of our freedom, as in these weeks has happened, added Arcuri. The commissioner then ensured that the app will meet two basic requirements: security and privacy. Here an interview with one of the creators of the app, here the point about pros and cons. And on the subject, Arcuri masks specified: There are 40.3 million masks in the Regions’ warehouses, updated yesterday. It will be used to cope with peaks in demand or emergency surges. By now we can dismiss this topic of masks, it has given way to further questions. We continue a massive distribution, I am satisfied with the transparency of the Regions that claim to have a little more than they need.

12:15 – Lombardy thinks of “Lombard bonds” for the recovery
The Lombardy Region also thinks about bonds for economic recovery after the coronavirus emergency. This was revealed by a note released by the Region in which it reads: The three billion for the extraordinary investment plan in Lombardy are expected to be debt using bonds depending on the convenience and the rate that the market will offer. The document specifies that “Lombard bonds” will be authorized on the basis of actual cash needs, as a good family man would do.

12:00 – Sala: In Milan we respect the rules. We will not be back to work ahead of time, but as soon as we can we will do it in a hurry
In his usual daily video on social pages, the mayor of Milan, Giuseppe Sala, said: We respect the rules and we will respect all ordinances. We will not push to return to work sooner, but as soon as we can we can go back to work, running, in compliance with safety regulations. Work, added the first citizen, the founding element of our society, our creed.

11.40 am – The President of the Union of Criminal Chambers: The criminal trial cannot be celebrated in a dematerialized form
According to the president of the Union of Criminal Chambers, Gian Domenico Caiazza, in phase 2 it is necessary to roll up our sleeves and return to the classrooms, with rules of distance and protection, but in the classrooms. So the lawyer, interviewed on RadioUno Rai, reiterated the position of the penalists on remote hearings and on the possibility that the measures could be extended even after the end of the health emergency: The criminal trial, he explained, cannot be celebrated in dematerialized form.

11.35 am – The French government has decided that Parliament will be able to express itself on the contact tracking app
Also in France, as in Italy, a few weeks have been working on a tracking app aimed at controlling the Covid epidemic: it will be called Stopcovid and has generated many controversies, with many observers worried about the consequences for the privacy of such a project. Earlier, the government said the app would not be ready by April 26-27, the date on which a session of the French National Assembly is scheduled. As a result, there was no vote for or against the project, only a parliamentary debate. This morning, however, the government has announced that Parliament will be able to speak on the project, although, most likely, the app will not be completed before mid-May.

11.25 am – For family doctors and dentists impossible
For family doctors and dentists it is impossible to obtain masks and other protective devices because these are unavailable on the market for the orders that centralize acquisitions and purchases to the Civil Protection. the alarm launched by the secretary of the Italian Federation of General Practitioners, Silvestro Scotti, and by the president of the National Association of Italian Dentists, Carlo Ghirlanda.

11.16 – WHO reiterates: all the evidence suggests an animal origin of the virus
The World Health Organization reiterated that there is no evidence to support the thesis that Covid19 was created in the laboratory. All the evidence currently available, explains WHO, suggests an animal origin of the virus.

10.46 am – Baby born positive at the Aosta hospital
A child born in the Beauregard hospital in Aosta tested positive for coronavirus. The birth took place last week, on the night between Thursday and Friday. The mother, residing in the Aosta belt, also positive, gave birth with 38 of fever. The result of the swab arrived the day after birth. Inside the Beuregard hospital, the hospitalization in the obstetrics and pediatrics wards was reorganized. (Here the insight)

10.20 – 74 Mayors write to Conte: Here in Calabria you need a Covid hospital
The mayors of 74 Calabrian municipalities shared a document to be sent to the President of the Conte Council and to the extraordinary commissioner for the coronavirus emergency, Domenico Arcuri, in which they affirm the need to build a hospital facility intended solely for the assistance of Covid patients.

10.10 am – Iran asks for help from Italy
Iranian President Hassan Rohani asked Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte last night in a phone call that European countries, and Italy in particular, act to help Iran get the $ 5 billion loan requested from the International Monetary Fund. Tehran accuses the US of blocking this request, in violation of international norms. The loan, requested in light of the coronavirus emergency, would be the first of its kind for the Islamic Republic since its establishment in 1979. Italy – said Rohani – has always played an important role in our foreign policy, and I hope that Rome calls on the EU to fully respect the 2015 nuclear agreement.

10.00 am – Gallera: Serological tests in Lombardy from 23 April
Lombardy will leave on Thursday 23 April with the serological tests developed by the San Matteo Hospital of Pavia. This was stated by the Regional Councilor for Welfare Giulio Gallera in Mattino Cinque, explaining that the test (for which a blood sample is needed) is used to check whether the antibodies are present and whether they are immunizing. To date, adds the commissioner, this is the only test. sad that at this stage only one-way media processes are taking place, but we continue to work, Gallera added by answering a question on the hypothesis that criticisms of the Lombard management of the epidemic underlie the will to commissariate the Region.

09.45 am – Contagion increases in Russia
The number of new Covid-19 cases in Russia continues to rise. In the last 24 hours there are 5,642 more, according to official data reported by the Tass agency. There were 51 new deaths, thus reaching a total of 456. In Moscow, the most affected area in the country, there are 3,083 new cases, reaching a total of 29,433. Tass reports it.

09.20 am – Piazza Affari starts the day in red
Piazza Affari starts the trading day in red. The economic consequences of the lockdown always weigh on the markets yesterday he sent WTI oil red due to the low demand for crude oil, which highlights the depth of the stop of the economy. Here the direct performance of the stock exchanges by the editorial staff of Corriere Economia.

09.10 am – Oktoberfest 2020 canceled
We have decided that the Oktoberfest will not take place this year: the president of Bavaria Markus Soeder announced. It hurts, very sorry, but this year is not a normal year, he explained: in light of the epidemic, it would be irresponsible to hold such a popular festival.

08.38 am – Fontana: Reopened regionalized cut, more damage than good
The regionalized reopening announced by Conte, according to the governor of Lombardy Attilio Fontana, a reopened limp, lame and that would not allow a balanced development even to the regions that open. The president of Lombardy said it during an interview with Radio24 in 24Mattino. There is such an interconnection between the various production chains, he explained, that there is a big risk that it does more damage than benefits. I made the choices I thought were best and I never decided on my own, claims Fontana, and then added: Personal protective equipment we and the state did what we could.

08.20 – Pal: disease more complex than we thought, but the epidemic curve drops
It seems to me that the curve of the epidemic is falling in a mirror-like way to the increase it had in the ascent phase, so we are in the descent Phase 2, said Professor Giorgio Pal, virologist and ex, speaking on Radio Anch’io president of the Italian virology society. The teacher also adds that, thanks to more and more scientific studies and clinical evidence, much more is known today about the disease triggered by Covid-19: Not only a lung infection, he explained, but something much more complex than that that we suspected at the beginning. a generalized inflammation that affects various organs ranging from the heart to the kidneys, even to the central nervous system.

08.00 am – Invests the soldiers of the Guardia di Finanza to avoid checks
To escape the controls on compliance with the restrictive measures imposed by the government, a young man ran over the military of the Guardia di Finanza by a checkpoint, dragging them on the asphalt for a few meters. happened on Sunday in Lurate Caccivio (Como), but the news was made known only this morning. The patrol had ordered the alt to the car, driven by a young Italian and with a passenger on board, while he was driving along the Varesina state road. The driver disregarded the alt and began to flee: a chase ensued, until the military car failed to overcome that of the young man. Instead of stopping, however, he first rammed the vehicle and then, engaging the rear, it hit the military who had meanwhile descended for checks. The driver was then tracked home and arrested for resistance to public officials, omission of relief and injuries, as well as sanctioned for violating the measures relating to the emergency. The wounded soldiers were taken to the hospital. The man said he acted for fear of being sanctioned for violating anti-covid-19 rules.

07.40 am – A final decision on the aid package against the crisis triggered by Covid19 will not be taken at the European Council on the 26th.
The agency Reuters, citing European sources, announces that European leaders will not make a final decision on the European Council on 26 April package of measures to deal with the coronavirus emergency. The European Commission would have communicated to the Member States, through a closed-door meeting, that it intends to finance the Recovery Fund through the European budget: the budget in question concerns the period 2021-2027, but the Commission will request a temporary increase in the guarantees given by the individual Member States for the 2021-22 period, so as to have an additional margin.

07.20 am – Italy will start again from 4 May according to a national program, which takes into account the territorial peculiarities
Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte has announced the start of phase 2 starting from May 4th. I wish I could say: let’s reopen everything. Immediately. But such a decision would be irresponsible, explains the premier, who then adds: The easing of the measures must take place on the basis of a well-structured and articulated plan. Conte then confirms that there will be territorial differences: We must act on the basis of a national program, which takes into account the territorial peculiarities. All the details in thearticle by Fiorenza Sarzanini.

07.30 am – Brusaferro: Beach holidays? Large gatherings are a reality that we cannot imagine allowed
There is still uncertainty about what Italians’ summer holidays will be like and going to the beach may not be possible, not in the way we are used to. This is what emerges from the words of Silvio Brusaferro, president of the Istituto Superiore di Sanit, to the microphones of Rai Radio2 in the I Lunatici format: We are all aware now that gatherings or gatherings of hundreds or thousands of people in confined spaces are not allowed. This is the first starting point. Starting from May 4th, you can start to relax some measures and measure what happens week after week. Large gatherings, indoors or outdoors, are a reality that we cannot imagine allowed.

07:04 – The death toll in the world: there are over 170 thousand
The death toll associated with Covid-19 worldwide has exceeded the 170,000 mark. According to the latest update from Johns Hopkins University (here the map), the deaths are 170,324, of which 42,335 only in the United States, which are confirmed as the country with the highest number of deaths, followed by Spain and Italy. The cases of contagion on a global level go to around two and a half million, with 2,477,426 infected confirmed.

04.40 – Trump intend to suspend immigration to the United States
In light of the attack by the Invisible Enemy and the need to protect the jobs of our Great American Citizens, they will sign an executive order to temporarily suspend immigration to the United States, US President Donald Trump announced with a tweet. Here the article by our correspondent from the USA, Giuseppe Sarcina.

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