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Coronavirus, the latest news from Italy and the world

The numbers of the infection in Italy are still rising: in total, 74,386 people have contracted the Sars-CoV-2 virus since the outbreak, while the victims are 7,503 (here the latest bulletin released by the Civil Protection | and the map of the situation in Italy). The list of productive activities considered essential after the meeting between government and unions changes (here the complete updated list). Spain has over 3,600 deaths, more than China. Worldwide, the quota of 470 thousand infections has been exceeded. In Italy, on March 25 the latest decree wanted by the government to contain the epidemic was published in the Official Gazette, which establishes immediate fines of about 200 euros for those who move without reason and arrest for those who violate the quarantine (here the details). Piazza Affari opened sharply this morning (-2.2%), in line with other European price lists: here the direct exchange of the stock exchanges, edited by Economy Courier.

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10.55 am – Count in the Senate: All of Europe must win together or we will all lose. Von der Leyen: Nobody can handle crisis alone
The one against the coronavirus, Conte says during his information in the Senate, a battle that is won in Europe all together otherwise we will all be the losers. Reiterate this position in a few hours, at a video conference at the G20 level and then at the summit of the European Council, adds the Prime Minister, specifying that the virus is an invisible enemy, knows no boundaries: like the wind, it blows wherever it wants. Meanwhile, the President of the European Commission Ursula von der Leyen, in a speech to the European Parliament at the same time, said: In the face of adversity, European citizens are showing how strong they can be. Our role as European institutions demonstrate the same trust, the same unity and the same leadership. Nobody can do it alone. No Member State can manage this crisis alone. The Europeans, added the president, will remember who acted and who didn’t.

10.40 am – Count: We have accepted the indications of the oppositions
In the work for the March decree, we met the leaders of the oppositions and some of their indications were collected in the text, and even yesterday in the Chamber I received wide openings for confrontation. Now there is a new decree and we can reproduce this working methodology, or rather give a mandate to the Inca minister to elaborate a path of more intense confrontation. The Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte says it in his information to the Senate. Our battle, added the premier, knows no boundaries, develops from North to South. Our organizational and operational machinery, at this moment carefully aimed at the needs of the Northern regions, but we must also focus our efforts on the Center and strengthen the response to the South. Conte also mentioned that the old tools available to the EU to manage emergency situations are not enough and that they must be overturned.

10.30 am – Rumors from the Vatican: The Pope negative to the swab
Francesco made a control swab and tested negative for Coronavirus. The news filtering from Casa Santa Marta – in the absence of official sources, which have been silent for twenty-four hours – causes a sigh of relief in the Vatican, after yesterday afternoon it had become known of the first case of contagion in the Vatican hotel where the Pope he has lived since the beginning of the pontificate. An Italian monsignor from the Secretariat of State who has lived for years in the Domus Sanctae Martae became infected and was immediately admitted to Gemelli but whose conditions, as far as we know, are not of concern; another official from the Secretariat of State, with a fever, isolated and under control. So far there are five confirmed cases of contagion at the Vatican. The same procedures already applied in the outpatient clinics and offices of the Secretariat of State after the first infection of March 5 were thus triggered: sanitization and therefore disinfection of the rooms and checks and swabs on all people who came into contact with the infected patient. it is clear that the first check was made on Francesco. Buffers were also made to all his closest collaborators. The Pope has been living in a state of semi isolation for weeks: in his room with adjoining study, lunch and dinner alone and in the morning he celebrates mass in Santa Marta streaming and without faithful, with the two secretaries. At least until now, Francesco has not wanted to move elsewhere, to the apartment he has never occupied or perhaps to Castel Gandolfo. This morning, during the mass celebrated in the hotel chapel, he said in his homily: In these days of so much suffering, there is so much fear. The fear of the elderly, who are alone, in retirement homes or in the hospital or in their home and do not know what can happen. The fear of unemployed workers who think how to feed their children and see hunger coming. The fear of so many social servants who at the moment help to keep society going and can catch the disease. Even the fear – the fears – of each of us: everyone knows what his own is. Let us pray to the Lord to help us trust and tolerate and overcome fears. (Gian Guido Vecchi)

10.25 am – A 101-year-old man recovered in Rimini
A 101-year-old coronavirus positive man was discharged from the Rimini Infermi hospital. The vice-mayor of the city, Gloria Lisi, gave the news. Mr. P., born in 1919, had been hospitalized in the city hospital last week. Now his condition has stabilized. Mr. P. made it, Lisi writes, the family brought him home last night. To teach us that not even 101 years the written future. Hope for the future of all of us in the body of a person over one hundred years old.

10.15 am – More victims in Spain than in China
Spain is the second country in the world by number of coronavirus victims, after Italy. The latest data reported this morning by the website of the newspaper El Pais and updated at 9 am local time speak of 3,643 victims, 49,384 cases of infection and 5,367 people recovered. Here the in-depth analysis on the Spanish case.

10.08 am – The ECB bulletin
The evolution of the epidemic is worsening the prospects for the world economy contained in the macroeconomic projections of March 2020 made by the ECB experts. The Central Institute writes in its bulletin, underlining that in the longer term, the expected recovery of the world economy should acquire no more than moderate traction. Frankfurt explains that the epidemic hit the world economy just as the first signs of stabilization began.

10.00 am – Leonardi: Open companies correspond to half of the Italian occupation
According to Marco Leonardi, adviser to the Minister of Economy Roberto Gualtieri, the companies that are still open after the approval of the latest decree correspond more or less to half of Italian employee employment. This means that, according to Leonardi’s estimates, only half of the employees should be at work today. We first chose this very hard line and now the others are following us, learning also from our mistakes, added the councilor, guest of 24 Mattino on Radio 24, obviously working in the essential activities must be absolutely safe.

09.40 am – Three more doctors died in Bergamo: 36 in total. The appeal of the doctors: Swabs and protective devices immediately
The list of doctors who did not make it due to the Covid-19 epidemic is getting longer: there were 33 dead, but yesterday late in the evening, we learn from the National Federation of Medical Orders (Fnomceo), news has come the disappearance of three other white coats, all from Bergamo. The number of infected health workers also increased: according to the latest data from the Istituto Superiore di Sanit, they rose to 6,205, or more than 9% of the total cases. Meanwhile, on the British Medical Journal a letter was signed, signed by President Fnomceo Filippo Anelli, in which Italian doctors ask for the immediate release of supplies of personal protective equipment and the systematic execution of rapid response tests to all health professionals, in the public and private sectors, who show (even mild) symptoms of infection or who have been in contact with suspected or confirmed cases.

09.30 am – Unlocked the situation on the Strait of Messina
Finally here we are. The last Sicilian citizens present at the port of Villa San Giovanni are returning to Messina. We had official communication from the Ministry of the Interior: the mayor of Reggio Calabria, Giuseppe Falcomat, announced it. About 150 people were blocked in Calabria after the closure of the entrances decreed in Sicily for the coronavirus emergency. During the night, a first group had managed to leave for the island. The situation resolved in the morning.

09.20 – Borrelli negative to the swab, but will work from home
Civil Protection chief Angelo Borrelli tested negative for the coronavirus swab. The Civil Protection Department announced this by stressing that it continues to experience a mild flu status and therefore will continue to work from home, remaining in constant contact with the operating committee and the crisis unit. I still have some fever but I plan to return to the department as soon as possible, Borrelli then told Adnkronos.

09.15 – Piazza Affari opens in sharp decline
Session start sharply down for Piazza Affari: the Ftse Mib index drops 2.12%. The spread is stable at 180 points. Here the direct performance of the stock exchanges by the editorial staff of Corriere Economia.

09.00 am – Moscow closes shops, restaurants and parks
All stores in Moscow, except food and pharmacies, will have to close between March 28 and April 5, the national holiday week decreed by Vladimir Putin to combat the spread of the coronavirus. This was announced by the mayor of the capital Serghei Sobyanin. The measure also affects bars and restaurants – except home delivery – and the main Moscow parks.

08.50 am – Fontana: We will see the effects of the measures taken in a few days
We hope that the measures taken two weeks ago are working, according to experts they should start seeing the effects in a few days, said the Lombard governor, Attilio Fontana, guest at One morning on Rai1. The Northern League also spoke of the hospital at the Fair, whose development is proceeding at a fast pace even if Guido Bertolaso’s illness has not helped, indeed it was a great hitch. There are other very good people who are carrying out the work, Fontana explains, to then ensure that times will be respected or overstepped for a few days.

08.30 am – Spain extends the state of emergency until April 12th
After a long parliamentary session, the Spanish deputies approved an extension of the state of emergency. The restrictive measures taken a few days ago – including the lockdown – will therefore last at least until April 12th. Not simple, Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez commented, but I am convinced that the only effective option against the virus is social isolation.

08.20 am – Gallera: Bertolaso ​​is fine, hospitalized as a precaution
Guido Bertolaso ​​is doing well, as a precaution at San Raffaele, the councilor for Welfare of the Lombardy region, Giulio Gallera, interviewed in Agor, says. The 70-year-old former head of Civil Protection, chosen as a consultant for the Lombardy Region to carry out the hospital project in the spaces of the Milan Fair, entered the hospital on Tuesday evening, after being turned out buffer positive a few days ago. In Milan Bertolaso ​​does not have an apartment, explains Gallera, it was located in an unsuitable place for insulation. For this he was taken to San Raffaele. But he is fine, even too much, in the sense that he calls, disposes and acts.

8.15 am – Italians laid off blocked in Australia
TOThe situation of Italians with a temporary visa who are trying to return to their home country is still very uncertain in Australia. From the Embassy of Italy in Canberra they make it known that there are currently no special return flights to Italy from Australia, but that constant work is underway to keep the routes currently available and affordable open. Sources of the embassy, ​​quoted today by the biweekly in Italian The Globe Melbourne and The flame of Sydney, however, inform that until 15 April Qatar Airways, which continues to operate regularly from Australia and has seats available in economy, has made available a 10% discount for return travelers. Among the foreign workers laid off with the closings of countless companies, about a million and a half across Australia, the Italians are numerous. They are now trapped in Australia without access to social security coverage like unemployment benefit.

7.30 am – In Russia stop all international flights
Russia has decided to stop all international flights to curb the spread of the coronavirus. This was announced by the Moscow government.

07:15 – 67 new cases in China, all imported
67 new cases of coronavirus infection and six deaths have been reported in China. The National Health Commission announced this morning, noting that none of the new cases have been registered in the province of Hibei, the epicenter of the epidemic. The new infections, the Commission reported, are all cases imported from abroad. Subsequently, Deputy Foreign Minister Luo Zhaohui clarified that in 90% of cases these infections from abroad concern people of Chinese nationality, 40% of them represented by students who live and study across the border. In South Korea, however, the new cases registered yesterday rose to 104, of which 57 imported.

07.00 am – The US Senate approves the maxi aid plan
The United States Federal Senate has unanimously approved a 2,000 billion stimulus package aimed at containing the economic and employment effects of the coronavirus pandemic. The measure is the largest economic stimulus package approved in the modern history of the United States: approval by the House of Representatives should arrive on Friday.

March 26, 2020 (change March 26, 2020 | 11:08 am)


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