Home » today » News » Coronavirus, the Interior Ministry reiterates: “Parents out with their children yes but the travel bans do not change, you can only go out for work, necessity and health”

Coronavirus, the Interior Ministry reiterates: “Parents out with their children yes but the travel bans do not change, you can only go out for work, necessity and health”

Interior Minister Luciana Lamorgese is not going to pass us off as irresponsible. And so in the face of the unexpected and harsh positions of those who, like the governor of Campania De Luca and the councilor for welfare of the Lombardy Region Gallera, judged the circular issued by the chief of staff Matteo Piantedosi who clarifies how they are allowed, within certain limits, the exits of a parent with children or the walk near home also for the elderly and disabled, a clarification note leaves the Interior Ministry to reiterate that “the rules on travel to contain the spread of the coronavirus do not change.

You can leave your home only in the cases already provided for by the decrees of the Prime Minister: for work, for reasons of absolute urgency or necessity and for health reasons “.

To unleash the wrath of De Luca and Gallera was the circular issued yesterday afternoon with which, in the face of a series of requests but also of conflicting interpretations given in recent days by law enforcement officers in charge of the checks of citizens found outside the home , the Interior Ministry gives precise clarifications on what is allowed on certain specific topics: parent-child outings, walks under the house, walks for the elderly and disabled.

“The circular of the Ministry of the Interior of March 31 – explain the Interior Ministry – limited itself to clarifying some interpretative aspects on the basis of requests received by the Interior Ministry. In particular, it was specified that the possibility of going out with minor children is allowed to only parent to walk as long as this happens in the vicinity of one’s home and on the occasion of journeys motivated by situations of need or health “. And this as far as children are concerned.

As for the motor activities allowed, without prejudice to running alone and near one’s home, the Interior Ministry explains that “it has been clarified that, without prejudice to the limitations indicated, it is allowed to walk only near one’s home. The circular reiterated that in any case, it is not allowed to carry out recreational and outdoor activities and that access to parks, villas, play areas and public gardens continues to be prohibited “.

And again: “In any case, all movements are subject to a gathering ban and therefore to the obligation to respect the minimum safety distance. The rules and prohibitions on the movement of natural persons, therefore, remain the same”.

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Carlo Verdelli
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