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Coronavirus, the infectious disease specialist Ippolito: «I see few people using masks but it is a mistake, the virus is circulating»

Are outbreaks a danger for Italy?

“They show that the virus is not dead. I am the spy that the virus circulates, albeit less, and since it circulates we must apply the trivial prevention measures that should have entered our habits. Wear the mask, respect the distances and take care of the hand hygiene. These simple precautions are enough to make life difficult for the virus. Outbreaks are proof that nothing is enough for him to take advantage ».

It is not alarmist Giuseppe Ippolito, scientific director of the Spallanzani institute, member of the Technical Committee that supports the government in law enforcement actions against Covid 19.

The infectious disease specialist has a lot of confidence in the country’s response capabilities, equipped with prevention services to avoid the expansion of the many, small fires that have reignited along the Peninsula. Not alarmist, but alarmed by the ease of certain social behaviors. “If it weren’t for the tragic events we would find it hard to believe that the economic and social stability of the nations and health systems could be put in crisis by such a small organism that to be able to see it, an electron microscope is needed”, measures the dimensions in the book written with Salvatore Curiale, out on July 16th ».

I outbreaks fruit of individual irresponsibility?

«The masks have fallen into disuse, I see and they tell me that they are too often forgotten, as if they were no longer needed. Instead they remain fundamental. I think people have lost faith in science. As long as the communication was univocal, “The virus is there and it hurts, period”citizens followed the recommendations. Then the divisions began and the confusion may have created a relaxation in the behaviors that are fundamental to keep the virus at bay ».

In the book, paraphrasing the coach Josè Mourinho, write “Who only knows about viruses, knows nothing about viruses”.

«To deal with an epidemic of this magnitude, we need multiple skills that go well beyond virology proper. First of all public health, then infectious disease, health organization, epidemiology, sociology, economics “.

Are outbreaks expected in the history of an epidemic?

“Yay Outbreaks are part of the circulation of all viruses. They consist of groups of people who develop an infection because they are exposed to an infected individual. It happens for colds, rubella and all infectious diseases. Viruses all behave the same way and one should not be surprised. They do their job, infect ».

Do the reignitions herald the return to an emergency situation?

«We hope not, much depends on us. In Italy there is a very effective tracking system in all the regions, without distinction, of the right and the left, which are making a great effort. When the interventions are timely and the contacts of the positive subjects can be identified and isolated, the outbreak does not spread and the circle of infections is closed. But even individual citizens must do their part. “

«If we go to dinner at the restaurant, in addition to booking, we should leave name, surname and telephone number so that we can be traced if a positive customer is reported to the buffer within the same room. Dealing with the bush is an act of cunning that harms the community and makes fun of the virus that takes off. “

«The application automatically traces those who have had contact with a positive person, in full respect of privacy. It works as an alarm bell. “

Will there be the second wave?

«I don’t answer yes or no. The virus is not dead, it is contagious as before and can recover. The more it circulates, the greater the risk of having victims. Today the number of serious cases has been reduced and we must ensure that it remains as low as possible by keeping internal outbreaks at bay and being very careful not to import cases from countries where the tracking system is not as reliable as ours ».

July 5, 2020 (change July 5, 2020 | 11:20 pm)


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