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Coronavirus: the healthcare network is ready | News | The Nouvelliste

No case has been identified in Quebec, confirmed Thursday the Minister of Health, Danielle McCann, and the director of public health, Doctor Horacio Arruda. Meanwhile, the World Health Organization has declared an international emergency in the face of the coronavirus epidemic.

This statement changes little for regional public health. Actions have already been put in place to deal with any eventuality even if the risk of being infected with this virus is low in Quebec.

“We are on the mobilization. We continue to be in contact with the Ministry of Health. The ministry provides the most current data. We relay the information to the network, we provided the tools in the event that a case arises, ”comments Dr. Caroline Marcoux-Huard, medical consultant at the public health department of the Integrated University Center for Health and Social Services Mauricie and Center-du-Québec.

The health network has what it takes to identify people with the virus and to break the chain of transmission, an essential action to prevent spread.

“When a person shows up in a facility, there is the potential to transmit the virus to the public and to health care workers. This person will be put in a negative pressure room to filter out as many contagious particles as possible so that they do not contaminate the people in the waiting room. “

Dr. Marcoux-Huard recommends that people returning from China with symptoms of this virus not to go to a clinic, but to go to a hospital where there are rooms with negative pressure. People can also call 811. If they show symptoms of this virus, they will only have to go to a hospital where they will be treated immediately.

A protocol has been established to care for patients, but also to supervise the work of employees in the health network. The use of a mask with high filtering power is planned to protect workers.

The symptoms of the coronavirus are cough and fever. In light of various official sources of information, the majority of the cases are minor. People can be returned home with recommendations to protect other occupants. A census of the people with whom these people have been in contact will also be carried out in order to ensure follow-up.

Some of the people affected by this virus will have pneumonia and may even die from it, but this mainly concerns people with already more fragile health.

Dr. Marcoux-Huard recalls that we are in the middle of an influenza and other virus period. Basic precautions are always necessary to protect yourself against viruses: wash your hands, cough in a disposable handkerchief or in the crease of your elbow and stay at home if you are sick.

“We can be reassured in Quebec,” she observes. We have taken the necessary measures to better identify and break the chain of transmission. And you have to put things in perspective. The new virus has emerged in China. The majority of those affected had had contact with a public market. The virus belongs to a family we know, the reservoir is animals. There are cases of person-to-person transmission, but as a result of close and prolonged contact. It’s not a virus that jumps on people. ”

With a mask or not?

Paper masks are very popular these days, as some people use this equipment to protect themselves from illness. According to Dr. Marcoux-Huard, this tool is not useful for everyone.

“It is used for people who are sick and professionals who care for those sick. If it is badly worn, it can have perverse effects. These masks are not made to be worn for long hours. People feel protected and may overlook other measures. It gives a false sense of reassurance. ”

Four in Canada

Four cases of coronavirus have been observed in Canada to date.

More than 210 people have died after contracting this virus.

This epidemic is reminiscent of that caused by influenza A (H1N1) in 2009 and 2010. According to the WHO, 18,500 people died from the flu. Over 420 Canadians are among the victims. At least six people came from Mauricie and Center-du-Québec.

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