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Coronavirus: The Health Area of ​​A Coruña admits concern, but looks better prepared | Radio Coruña | Today for Today A Coruña

He Sanitary Area of ​​A Coruña it is better prepared than at the start of the pandemic to deal with a possible second wave of the coronavirus. So she thinks Anton Acevedo, a specialist in Preventive Medicine at CHUAC, who acknowledges that he is concerned about the data confirming an increase in coronavirus cases, however he assures that it should not “sound the alarm” as long as “let’s all do our part to implement health security measures“.

More knowledge and resources

Ensures that at this time the health area has more knowledge and resources than at the end of February. The number of PCRs that the service is capable of processing amounts to 800, when at the beginning of the pandemic there were barely 30. At this time there are also enough trackers, according to Acevedo, “for the health situation that we live“, but we must not rule out that more may be needed:” We see that it is a dynamic situation, if it became very complicated, more resources would have to be used, but in Galicia we have been quite pioneers in many measures, and from Sergas they are taking early steps to prevent further problems. “

Acevedo appeals directly to the youngest, to the stratum of the population that most fails to comply with these measures. They are the ones who may have a lower incidence of the virus, but they are the previous step to a contagion “to parents or grandparents that can be fatalAntón Acevedo recalls that self-protection and hygiene measures are still the most important, especially the mask, the epidemiologist acknowledges that it is difficult for those who do not wear it to understand: “I cannot understand it, it seems to me an act of selfishness of such a level , that I do not understand that people can not use it or use it badly. The second wave can only be mitigated with accountability measures. “

What to do about the symptoms?

If we have symptoms (some fever, cough, general tiredness), the best thing, remember, is to call our family doctor so that he can act “with the greatest speed in the application of the sanitary protocol“It also asks for honesty when communicating people who may be close contacts, since”It is not about judging the behavior of anyone, but about guaranteeing the control of the virus in the slightest case“.

The Government delegation shows its support for the Xunta’s registration of travelers

The delegate of the Government in Galicia, Javier Losada, has shown its support for the registration of travelers created by the Xunta for people coming from countries and communities with a high incidence of the virus.

To questions from the media this Wednesday during his visit to the military airfield in Santiago, Losada has stated that ‘all the measures’ that the Xunta puts in place as the authority for the control of the pandemic in Galicia will have the ‘support’ of the central Executive .

“All the decisions, this one like another, are always to seek the greatest benefit for health,” has stressed Losada, who has defended the “suitability” of the state of alarm during the past months as a mechanism to face the health emergency.

“Without a state of alarm there are always more complications,” said the delegate, who ‘all’ the Executive’s support for the measures adopted by the Xunta. “If they consider it correct, well done,” he added.

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