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Coronavirus: “The French must be collectively responsible”

While 47 million French people were invited to vote this Sunday for the first round of municipal elections, Alexandre Mignon, professor of medicine, specialist in resuscitation at the Cochin hospital in Paris, judged that maintaining these elections was ” not entirely reasonable ” ” It can be difficult to understand why we are asking the French for radical confinement while maintaining elections “He declared Sunday morning at the microphone of the Grand Rendez-vous Europe1-CNews-” Les Echos “.

The controversy has swelled since the drastic measures to close “ public places not essential to the country “, Announced Saturday evening by Prime Minister Edouard Philippe. We ” must be collectively responsible and apply these measures “Urged the professor.

5% of severe forms

While the latest figures show in France 5,423 people infected with Covid-19 and 127 deaths, the specialist recalled that ” 80% of people will develop the disease with unknown or asymptomatic forms, 15% slightly more and 5% with severe forms »Which lead to intensive care.

Asked about the cases of young people seen in intensive care, he explained that they are probably linked to “ genetic, metabolic (overweight) risk factors or exposure to unsuitable drugs ” On active global vaccine research, he said, “ the crisis that will probably last three months will not be resolved by a vaccine


As for the capacity of our health system to cope with the rampant epidemic, the professor estimated that if the containment measures are respected, the hospitals will be able to manage the number of patients. Alexandre Mignon also assured that the caregivers did not “ to make choices Between patients as is the case in Italy where a sort of sorting is performed. “ We are not in this situation because we have reservations in terms of structures, staff “, He said. Commending on several occasions the work of caregivers, and in particular nurses “ in the first line “, He recalled” that 20% of caregivers Will be subject to coronavirus.

He recognized saturated services as in the Grand Est region, in Mulhouse and Strasbourg, one of the first clusters identified, but declared that this was not the case in the Paris region ” where there is a reserve and where we have reorganized the care offer ”. “ There are a few points of tension but we will get there He said. Asked about the ” qualification “Reinforcements from the health reserve or medical students, the professor said he had” no doubt about it ” “ City doctors play the game completely “and” retirees are still perfectly competent He added.

Limit peak

Faced with the statements of Jean-Michel Blanquer, Minister of National Education, who said Sunday morning that the coronavirus will affect “ probably »Half of the French, Alexandre Mignon did not deny. “ We have to limit this peak, this attack that comes before us He reiterated, again urging the French to “Be strong and united “And avoid” controversies

Recognizing that this health crisis “ will cause a few victims “, He recalled, faced with the possible question of going up a notch containment, that the economic crises also provoked a health shock, people no longer having the means to seek medical treatment. ” It is a collective operation that we are carrying out and we will win it “, He hammered in conclusion.

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