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Coronavirus: the first cases in the Tarn, a second confirmed case in Haute-Garonne

the essential
The coronavirus has killed nine people in France. Ten new cases were confirmed this Friday in Occitanie, in Tarn, Tarn-et-Garonne, Lot, Haute-Garonne, Hérault and Gard. Concerns in the Haut-Rhin where the number of cases has increased eightfold. Emmanuel Macron expects “an inexorable epidemic”. Follow our live all day on ladepeche.fr.

Death toll rises to 9 in France

Two more people died in France after being infected with the new coronavirus, bringing the number of deaths to nine, and 190 new cases of positive patients were identified compared to Thursday evening, announced this Friday the Ministry of Health. According to the point released on Friday afternoon, 613 positive cases have been confirmed at this stage since the end of January. The assessment also shows 39 people in serious situation or in intensive care, said the Director General of Health Jérôme Salomon, with a virus now present in all regions of metropolitan France and in three overseas regions (Guadeloupe, Martinique, Guyana).

Read also :
Coronavirus: who are the nine Covid-19 dead in France?

Head of State Emmanuel Macron, visiting a retirement home in Paris, called for “limiting visits to seniors as much as possible”. He reiterated that “the absolute priority today is to protect the most vulnerable”.

Haut-Rhin: eight times more cases in 48 hours

Alert in the Haut-Rhin with an eightfold increase in the number of cases in forty-eight hours. “Two days ago, there were ten confirmed cases in the Haut-Rhin, in 48 hours, this number was multiplied by eight”, says the prefect Laurent Touvet who calls “not to give in to psychosis”. 81 cases are listed. The department moved to stage 2 reinforced by the epidemic. Several measures were immediately put in place: closing a hundred or so schools, prohibiting all gatherings of more than fifty people and prohibiting all contact between the elderly and minors.

Read also :
Coronavirus: the number of cases multiplied by 8 in 48 hours in the Haut-Rhin, update on the measures implemented

Occitanie: first two cases in the Tarn, a second in Haute-Garonne

This Friday, two people were declared to be positive for coronavirus in the Tarn. These are the first cases in the department. The Regional Health Agency also declared that another person was contaminated in Haute-Garonne, which brings to 26 the number of people affected by the coronavirus in the Occitanie Region (not counting the two people also contaminated in the Lot- et-Garonne).

  • The first cases in the Tarn

They are a 72- and 73-year-old couple living near Albi. This couple returns from a trip to Egypt, explains the Regional Health Agency of Occitania, which indicates that their state of health shows no sign of seriousness. Both are monitored and cared for by teams from the Albi Hospital Center.

  • A second case in Haute-Garonne

It concerns a 66 year old woman. The Regional Health Agency has very little information regarding this patient. A first case was reported this Thursday in the department: it was a patient aged 70, and domiciled near de Muret, which was taken care of by teams from Toulouse University Hospital. Again, her clinical condition showed no signs of severity. The person was returning with his wife from Egypt.

  • Three other cases in Occitania

A new case was confirmed in Gard this Friday: it is a 70-year-old woman, living in the northwest of the department. It is supported by the Nîmes University Hospital. This was the subject of a recent trip to Alsace (in Mulhouse). Two other people were contaminated near Montpellier: it is a part of a young woman of 27 years old, who exercises professional activities in a private health establishment in the Montpellier area. A 70-year-old man, also living near Montpellier, is also infected, presumably following a recent stay in Egypt.

In conjunction with the regional unit of Public Health France, the ARS teams have launched the necessary investigations to identify people who have been in close and prolonged contact with these people, who have recently stayed in Italy.

In the Lot, a 60-year-old woman was taken care of this Thursday at the Center hospitalier de Cahors, after confirmation of a case of coronavirus. At this stage, his clinical condition shows no sign of severity. Residing near Cahors, she is said to have recently stayed in Egypt with her husband. There too, investigations are underway.

Read also :
A Lotoise with coronavirus was transferred to Cahors hospital, with her husband

Thursday evening, the regional health agency (ARS) announced four new cases in Occitania: a 70-year-old man domiciled in Eaunes in Haute-Garonne who lives with his wife. The latter recently stayed in Egypt. The ARS also reports the cases of a 39-year-old woman and a 14-year-old adolescent in the Millau region of Aveyron, who are close relatives of the two Aveyron patients already infected; of a 56 year old woman domiciled near Béziers (Hérault) and hospitalized at the Montpellier University Hospital.

Read also :
MENU. Coronavirus: the state of contamination in Occitania

On Thursday, two first cases of contamination had been announced in Lot-et-Garonne in a couple from Saint-Pierre-de-Clairac who had participated in an evangelical rally in Mulhouse in February. The woman was admitted to the Bordeaux teaching hospital in intensive care and the man must remain confined to her home.

According to the ARS count, there are now 26 confirmed cases in Occitania (even if a 41-year-old man was able to leave the hospital in Montpellier) and two in the Lot-et-Garonne.

Closure of schools in Oise and Haut-Rhin

The government has announced the closure from Monday of nurseries and schools in the Oise and Haut-Rhin where the coronavirus “circulates with great intensity”, while cases of contamination now exceed 600 overall of the territory.

This measure was taken for 15 days and concerns “nurseries, kindergartens, colleges and high schools” of the two departments, announced the Prime Minister, Édouard Philippe, after an inter-ministerial meeting. “Not because these places are more dangerous”, but because of the risks of transmission and the difficulties of “respecting all the sanitary instructions” in the school environment, he pleaded, surrounded by six ministers and secretaries of State at the Ministry of Health.

In these two departments is also instituted the “limitation of all gatherings, except those which are essential to the social and democratic life”, added the head of the government, who “invited the fragile people, taking into account their state of health original, of long-term or chronic conditions, taking into account their age, to remain as far as possible at their home “.

The situation remains unchanged in the other territories. “Tonight, we remain in phase 2,” he said, even if a transition to phase 3, that of the epidemic, is “inexorable” in the long term.

A deputy hospitalized

A LR deputy from Haut-Rhin is hospitalized for signs of contamination with the coronavirus, according to information from the JDD. Jean-Luc Reitzer is placed in intensive care, said the National Assembly in a press release. His last day of presence in the hemicycle dates back to Tuesday 25 February because he is also a member of the Foreign Affairs committee. An employee of the MP’s bar is also contaminated with coronavirus and confined to his home. A second employee of the deputy’s restaurant, only suspected of infection for the time being, is also hospitalized.

Jean-Luc Reitzer, LR deputy for Bas-Rhin.
                                    – AFP photo

In Italy, 49 deaths in 24 hours

Italy has registered 49 new deaths linked to the coronavirus in 24 hours, that is to say 197 deaths in total since the beginning of the epidemic, according to a new assessment published Friday by the Civil Protection.

Italy, the most affected country in Europe, remains in second place behind China for the number of deaths, but drops from 3rd to 4th place for the number of cases (4,636, +778 cases in 24 hours) behind China, South Korea and Iran.

“Deaths represent 4.25% of the total” of cases, said the head of Civil Protection Angelo Borrelli during his daily press conference in Rome. “The average age of deceased people is 81, with previous pathologies”.
Of the 4,636 cases, 523 are cured and 3,916 are currently positive: 2,394 are hospitalized, 462 in intensive care and 1,060 in home isolation.

Towards an “inexorable” epidemic

France is moving towards an “inexorable” epidemic, Emmanuel Macron warned Thursday. “There is a moment when, we all know (…) an epidemic is inexorable anyway,” said the head of state, who received twenty specialists at the Elysée Palace to “try to stop arrival, then to slow the spread of the disease.

Stage 3 of the epidemic: within two weeks?

The transition from stage 2 to stage 3 of the epidemic will take place “between a few days and one or two weeks” according to Professor Jean-François Delfraissy, specialist in infectious diseases who participated in the meeting. This phase 3, when it is decreed, will involve, among other things, the suspension of public transport, a restriction of school gatherings and closings, a set of measures that will have a significant impact on the daily life of French people.

Read also :
Coronavirus: if France moved to stage 3, what would change?

New trade fair cancellations …

New events are canceled: the Wines & Terroirs fair in Toulouse, scheduled from March 13 to 15, is postponed from June 5 to 7; MIPTV in Cannes from March 30 to April 2; the Paris Marathon on April 5 (postponed to October 18) or the 6 Nations Tournament match between Italy and England on March 14.

The Strasbourg – PSG match postponed

The Strasbourg-Paris SG Ligue 1 match, scheduled for Saturday at 5.30 p.m., has been postponed due to the risk of the spread of the new coronavirus, the Professional Football League (LFP) announced on Friday evening. “Following an order from the Bas-Rhin prefecture concerning the spread of the coronavirus”, the meeting is “postponed”, wrote the LFP in a press release. This is the first Championship match reported in France since the arrival of the virus.

The only encounter hitherto affected by the epidemic, Chambly-Le Mans (L2) was played on Friday in a closed-door stadium in Beauvais, in Oise, one of the foci of the virus. For this poster of the 28th day of Ligue 1, the LFP resolved to postpone the match, while it follows a line of “case by case” on the subject. The announcement Friday of the multiplication of the number of people tested positive for the new coronavirus in the department of Haut-Rhin, bordering on the Bas-Rhin where Strasbourg is located, accelerated the decision. “The arrival of 26,000 spectators in the Meinau stadium, a quarter of which came from the Haut-Rhin department, is a factor likely to promote the spread of COVID-19”, justified the Bas-Rhin prefecture in a press release.

The first cycling race of the Milan-San Remo season, scheduled for March 21, is canceled.

In the world

Five people died in Spain while cases jumped from more than 100 to 365, according to a report by authorities on Friday. The Iranian health ministry announced Friday the death of 17 additional people infected with the new coronavirus, bringing the official assessment of the epidemic to 124 dead in the country, one of the most affected worldwide.

China announced thirty new deaths on Friday. The country had passed the 3000 death mark and recorded 3042 deaths and more than 80 000 contaminations. In Algeria, sixteen members of the same family are infected. Seven cases are reported in the West Bank where a state of emergency of thirty days is declared. The isolated kingdom of Bouthan located in the Himalayas is experiencing its first case of coronavirus in an American tourist.

The United Kingdom announced on Thursday the first death due to the epidemic of new coronavirus, an elderly person who was already sick and who is said to have been infected in the country.

For any questions about the new coronavirus, contact 0800 130 000 (free call 24 hours a day, 7 days a week). If in doubt about your state of health, do not go to the emergency room, contact the SAMU at 15.

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