Home » today » News » Coronavirus, the data – Almost 20 thousand infections with 353 thousand swabs. Another 308 victims. In Lombardy there are 4 thousand, one in 4 in the Milanese area

Coronavirus, the data – Almost 20 thousand infections with 353 thousand swabs. Another 308 victims. In Lombardy there are 4 thousand, one in 4 in the Milanese area

The number of daily infections from coronavirus in Italy and in the last 24 hours the share of 20mila, never touched in 2021. In fact, on the last day 19,886 people tested positive for the virus, compared to 353,704 pads processed: data that makes the rate of positivity by 0.8 points compared to 4.8% yesterday, thus settling at 5.6%. Instead, 308 people lost their lives on the last day due to the virus, up from 318 yesterday.

I discharged or healed there are 12,853 in the last 24 hours, a number which, however, is not sufficient to bring down that of currently positive which rose by 6,710 units and stood at 396,143. Consequently, the pressure on Italian hospitals increases. 2,168 patients are hospitalized in intensive care in Italy, with an increase of 11 units in the daily balance between income and expenses. The daily admissions to intensive care were 178. Nei ordinary departments 18,257 people are hospitalized, an increase of 40 units compared to yesterday. Finally, in home isolation there are 375,718 people (+6,659).

IS case boom in Lombardy, after the outbreaks of English variant traced in the Milanese and Bresciano areas. And it is these two provinces that record peaks of infections well above the other areas of the region. Gods 4,243 new positives of the last 24 hours, Milan and its province in fact, there are 1,072, with 409 only in Milan city, while Brescia and its province 973. To trace the third province in terms of number of daily cases one must then go down to 356 of Monza and Brianza.

All in the face of over 51mila tampons processed on the last day throughout the region, with the rate of positivity which reaches 8.2%. Contained increase in patients in intensive care: +1 compared to the previous day, with the total thus rising to 407. While 4,024 people are hospitalized in other Covid departments, 78 more. Another 44 deaths.

Among the other regions most affected, in second place is the Campania, with 2,385 infections. They follow theEmilia-Romagna with 2.090, the Piedmont with 1.454 and the Tuscany with 1,374.

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