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Coronavirus, the commander of the Diamond Princess returns to Italy: «Proud of my crew»

“How do I feel? Very tired. But proud of my crew, proud of how he behaved with the 3700 passengers during those terrible quarantine days that began on February 4, when the first Coronavirus case was found ». Gennaro Arma, the commander of the Diamond Princess, the cruise ship blocked in Japan for the infection of about 700 people on board, returned to Fiumicino last night in Italy, with the flight Az 785 departed from Tokyo. To welcome him and 15 other crew sailors was Foreign Minister Luigi Di Maio “proud of how you represented Italy”. Minister and commander wore masks. And they said goodbye without shaking hands but touching each other with the elbows. «I don’t feel like a hero. I am a normal person who did his duty, “said Arma, 46,” the brave captain “, the brave captain as the foreign press called him for his ability to” manage “the 3700 passengers exhausted by the long” imprisonment ” on the Carnival fleet ship. Inexhaustible in listening to them, in being close to him, in snatching a smile from him even by reciting a love poem on Valentine’s Day.

Last to go down

And then that moving photo that went around the world: Weapon in the commander’s blue uniform, the last to get off the Diamond, smiling, with the trolley dragged along the quay of the port of Yokohama. «We are aware of the fact that the country is going through a difficult period. But we are convinced that, as for us on the ship, by being united, with good will, following the instructions, this bad moment will pass, “added Arma. Who then joined his family in Sorrento, where he lives. For this dedication and demonstrated ability, the President of the Republic Mattarella has appointed Gennaro Arma commander of merit.

March 16, 2020 (change March 17, 2020 | 06:29)


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