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Coronavirus, the Chinese couple hospitalized in Rome had also been in Florence – Cronaca

Coronavirus task force activated

Florence, January 31, 2020 – The two Chinese citizens infected by coronavirus and hospitalized at Spallanzani of Rome they also passed by Florence. The couple, husband and wife aged 67 and 66, landed on Malpensa airport on 23 January. For one night the spouses have slept in Florence before reaching Rome where they arrived with a rental car in Parma.

The couple, who spent two days in the city, spent one night in Florence in a place that has already been identified and where the ASL staff went for theepidemiological investigation. At the moment, however, he says the ASL “would not be there no remediation in progress. ” Renzo Berti, director of the prevention department of the ASL Toscana Centro he has currently excluding the presence of other cases of Coronavirus in the territory of the Healthcare Company.

“We are taking a preventive action by putting our hands forward,” explains Berti, and “we have activated all the necessary measures to check if the couple who stayed overnight in the city has had very close contacts with other people but at the moment it would be excluded”, just as there is currently no “room reclamation, which we can possibly impose, and which should be done by the hotel if necessary”. Health sources point out that the couple has only been to Florence and exclude that they have made excursions to other cities in Tuscany.

“IS’ unlikely – he also declares Danilo Tacconi, director of Infectious Diseases Asl South East Tuscany – that the two Chinese citizens may have infected other people in the various cities you visit, why the virus is transmitted only with very close contact (“close contact”), with which it is intended, according to ministerial indications: exposure due to health care, including direct assistance to patients with nCoV, working with health workers infected with nCoV, visiting patients or staying in the same environment as a patient with nCoV; work closely or share the same class with a patient with nCoV; travel with a patient with nCoV, by any means of transport; live in the same house as a patient with nCoV. “

The health authorities of the Region are in close and continuous contact with the Prefectures, the mayors, the consul general of the People’s Republic of China in Florence Wang Wengang, to constantly monitor the situation and implement all the initiatives that will gradually become necessary. The Region has established a task force to guarantee all the interventions currently and possibly necessary in the event of a possible spread of the coronavirus, to translate the indications of the Ministry on a regional level. The permanently active task force is coordinated by Emanuela Balocchini, director of the collective prevention sector of the Region.

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