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Coronavirus, the Army returns to the cemetery in Bergamo: 74 more coffins outside the region for cremation

Three days later, the Army returned to the cemetery in Bergamo to take away 74 more coffins. A scene that had already been seen Wednesday evening, when 65 caskets had been taken away for cremation in other cities. The crematorium of Bergamo works 24 hours a day, but it is no longer enough. Yesterday, in the city alone, there were 48 deaths. So also this morning (Saturday 21 March), the coffins are taken away, after Palazzo Frizzoni has prepared the documents: to move each coffin you need a transport document. This time they are headed for Ferrara, Copparo and Serravalle Scrivia. The ashes will be brought back to the city in the next few days after the cremations.

The hospital Pope John XXIII, in a couple of weeks, he transformed his Intensive Care into the largest in Europe: but there is no longer any place even in the last corner. Patients are transferred wherever an equipped facility becomes available. And so for the cemetery: the crematorium works 24/7, but the coffins crammed, even in the church, have become too many.

Mayor Giorgio Gori continues to contrast the official regional accounts on the number of deaths. For the region there are 695, but for the first citizen “there are many more”. “The official figure is not representative – explains Gori -. With the other Lombard mayors, we ask the government for further restrictive measures at least for our region. If we want to stop the virus, we have to stop everything that is not essential. “

March 21, 2020 | 10:07


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